name: Create issue to upgrade dependencies on: schedule: # Run the first of the month, every 3 month - cron: '0 0 1 */3 *' workflow_dispatch: jobs: create-issue: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Create an issue uses: actions-ecosystem/action-create-issue@v1 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.MEILI_BOT_GH_PAT }} title: Upgrade dependencies body: | This issue is about updating Meilisearch dependencies: - [ ] Cargo toml dependencies of Meilisearch; but also the main engine-team repositories that Meilisearch depends on (charabia, heed...) - [ ] If new Rust versions have been released, update the Rust version in the Clippy job of this [GitHub Action file](./.github/workflows/rust.yml) ⚠️ To avoid last minute bugs, this issue should only be done at the beginning of the sprint! The GitHub action dependencies are managed by [Dependabot](./.github/dependabot.yml) labels: | dependencies maintenance