use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::error::Error; use std::path::PathBuf; use elapsed::measure_time; use moby_name_gen::random_name; use structopt::StructOpt; use pentium::index::schema::{Schema, SchemaBuilder, STORED, INDEXED}; use pentium::index::update::{Update, PositiveUpdateBuilder}; use pentium::tokenizer::DefaultBuilder; use pentium::index::Index; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] pub struct Cmd { /// csv file to index #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] pub csv_file: PathBuf, } fn generate_update_from_csv(path: &Path) -> Result<(Schema, Update), Box> { let mut csv = csv::Reader::from_path(path)?; let mut attributes = Vec::new(); let (schema, id_attr_index) = { let mut id_attr_index = None; let mut builder = SchemaBuilder::new(); for (i, header_name) in csv.headers()?.iter().enumerate() { // FIXME this does not disallow multiple "id" fields if header_name == "id" { id_attr_index = Some(i) }; let field = builder.new_attribute(header_name, STORED | INDEXED); attributes.push(field); } let id = match id_attr_index { Some(index) => index, None => return Err(String::from("No \"id\" field found which is mandatory").into()), }; (, id) }; let update_path = PathBuf::from("./positive-update-xxx.sst"); let tokenizer_builder = DefaultBuilder::new(); let mut builder = PositiveUpdateBuilder::new(&update_path, schema.clone(), tokenizer_builder); for record in csv.records() { let record = match record { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { eprintln!("{:?}", e); continue } }; let id = record.into_iter().nth(id_attr_index).unwrap().parse()?; for (value, attr) in record.into_iter().zip(&attributes) { builder.update_field(id, *attr, value.to_string()); } }|update| (schema, update)) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let command = Cmd::from_args(); let path = random_name() + ".rdb"; println!("generating the update..."); let (schema, update) = generate_update_from_csv(&command.csv_file)?; println!("creating the index"); let index = Index::create(&path, schema)?; println!("ingesting the changes in the index"); index.ingest_update(update)?; // FIXME this is really ugly !!!! // the index does not support moving update files // so we must remove it by hand fs::remove_file("./positive-update-xxx.sst")?; println!("the index {:?} has been created!", path); Ok(()) }