use serde_json::json; use super::DOCUMENTS; use crate::common::Server; #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_unexisting_index() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Index `test` not found.", "code": "index_not_found", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"q": "hello"}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(code, 404); assert_eq!(response, expected_response); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_unexisting_parameter() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index .search(json!({"marin": "hello"}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(code, 400, "{}", response); assert_eq!(response["code"], "bad_request"); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_invalid_crop_marker() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); // object let response = index.search_post(json!({"cropMarker": { "marker": "" }})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(format!("{:#?}", response), @r###" ( Object { "message": String("invalid type: Map `{\"marker\":\"\"}`, expected a String at `.cropMarker`."), "code": String("invalid_search_crop_marker"), "type": String("invalid_request"), "link": String(""), }, 400, ) "###); // array let response = index.search_post(json!({"cropMarker": ["marker", ""]})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(format!("{:#?}", response), @r###" ( Object { "message": String("invalid type: Sequence `[\"marker\",\"\"]`, expected a String at `.cropMarker`."), "code": String("invalid_search_crop_marker"), "type": String("invalid_request"), "link": String(""), }, 400, ) "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_invalid_highlight_pre_tag() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); // object let response = index.search_post(json!({"highlightPreTag": { "marker": "" }})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(format!("{:#?}", response), @r###" ( Object { "message": String("invalid type: Map `{\"marker\":\"\"}`, expected a String at `.highlightPreTag`."), "code": String("invalid_search_highlight_pre_tag"), "type": String("invalid_request"), "link": String(""), }, 400, ) "###); // array let response = index.search_post(json!({"highlightPreTag": ["marker", ""]})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(format!("{:#?}", response), @r###" ( Object { "message": String("invalid type: Sequence `[\"marker\",\"\"]`, expected a String at `.highlightPreTag`."), "code": String("invalid_search_highlight_pre_tag"), "type": String("invalid_request"), "link": String(""), }, 400, ) "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_invalid_highlight_post_tag() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); // object let response = index.search_post(json!({"highlightPostTag": { "marker": "" }})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(format!("{:#?}", response), @r###" ( Object { "message": String("invalid type: Map `{\"marker\":\"\"}`, expected a String at `.highlightPostTag`."), "code": String("invalid_search_highlight_post_tag"), "type": String("invalid_request"), "link": String(""), }, 400, ) "###); // array let response = index.search_post(json!({"highlightPostTag": ["marker", ""]})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(format!("{:#?}", response), @r###" ( Object { "message": String("invalid type: Sequence `[\"marker\",\"\"]`, expected a String at `.highlightPostTag`."), "code": String("invalid_search_highlight_post_tag"), "type": String("invalid_request"), "link": String(""), }, 400, ) "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_invalid_syntax_object() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `title & Glass`.\n1:14 title & Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": "title & Glass"}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_invalid_syntax_array() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `title & Glass`.\n1:14 title & Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": ["title & Glass"]}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_invalid_syntax_string() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `XOR title = Glass`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule.\n15:32 title = Glass XOR title = Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": "title = Glass XOR title = Glass"}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_invalid_attribute_array() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Attribute `many` is not filterable. Available filterable attributes are: `title`.\n1:5 many = Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": ["many = Glass"]}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_invalid_attribute_string() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Attribute `many` is not filterable. Available filterable attributes are: `title`.\n1:5 many = Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": "many = Glass"}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_reserved_geo_attribute_array() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "`_geo` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the _geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on _geo field coordinates.\n1:5 _geo = Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": ["_geo = Glass"]}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_reserved_geo_attribute_string() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "`_geo` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the _geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on _geo field coordinates.\n1:5 _geo = Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": "_geo = Glass"}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_reserved_attribute_array() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "`_geoDistance` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression.\n1:13 _geoDistance = Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": ["_geoDistance = Glass"]}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn filter_reserved_attribute_string() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"filterableAttributes": ["title"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "`_geoDistance` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression.\n1:13 _geoDistance = Glass", "code": "invalid_filter", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search(json!({"filter": "_geoDistance = Glass"}), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn sort_geo_reserved_attribute() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"sortableAttributes": ["id"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "`_geo` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a sort expression. Use the _geoPoint(latitude, longitude) built-in rule to sort on _geo field coordinates.", "code": "invalid_sort", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search( json!({ "sort": ["_geo:asc"] }), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }, ) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn sort_reserved_attribute() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"sortableAttributes": ["id"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "`_geoDistance` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a sort expression.", "code": "invalid_sort", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search( json!({ "sort": ["_geoDistance:asc"] }), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }, ) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn sort_unsortable_attribute() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"sortableAttributes": ["id"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Attribute `title` is not sortable. Available sortable attributes are: `id`.", "code": "invalid_sort", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search( json!({ "sort": ["title:asc"] }), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }, ) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn sort_invalid_syntax() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index.update_settings(json!({"sortableAttributes": ["id"]})).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "Invalid syntax for the sort parameter: expected expression ending by `:asc` or `:desc`, found `title`.", "code": "invalid_sort", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search( json!({ "sort": ["title"] }), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }, ) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn sort_unset_ranking_rule() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); index .update_settings( json!({"sortableAttributes": ["title"], "rankingRules": ["proximity", "exactness"]}), ) .await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let expected_response = json!({ "message": "The sort ranking rule must be specified in the ranking rules settings to use the sort parameter at search time.", "code": "invalid_sort", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" }); index .search( json!({ "sort": ["title:asc"] }), |response, code| { assert_eq!(response, expected_response); assert_eq!(code, 400); }, ) .await; }