use meili_snap::snapshot; use meilisearch::Opt; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use tempfile::TempDir; use crate::common::{default_settings, Server, Value, NESTED_DOCUMENTS}; use crate::json; static DOCUMENTS: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { json!([ { "title": "Shazam!", "genres": ["Action", "Adventure"], "id": "287947", }, { "title": "Captain Marvel", "genres": ["Action", "Adventure"], "id": "299537", }, { "title": "Escape Room", "genres": ["Horror", "Thriller", "Multiple Words"], "id": "522681", }, { "title": "How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World", "genres": ["Action", "Comedy"], "id": "166428", }, { "title": "Gläss", "genres": ["Thriller"], "id": "450465", } ]) }); async fn test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( documents: &Value, settings: &Value, query: &Value, test: impl Fn(Value, actix_http::StatusCode) + std::panic::UnwindSafe + Clone, ) { let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let server = Server::new_with_options(Opt { ..default_settings(temp.path()) }).await.unwrap(); eprintln!("Documents -> Settings -> test"); let index = server.index("test"); let (task, code) = index.add_documents(documents.clone(), None).await; assert_eq!(code, 202, "{}", task); let response = index.wait_task(task.uid()).await; assert!(response.is_success(), "{:?}", response); let (task, code) = index.update_settings(settings.clone()).await; assert_eq!(code, 202, "{}", task); let response = index.wait_task(task.uid()).await; assert!(response.is_success(), "{:?}", response); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(query.clone()).await; insta::allow_duplicates! { test(response, code); } let (task, code) = server.delete_index("test").await; assert_eq!(code, 202, "{}", task); let response = server.wait_task(task.uid()).await; assert!(response.is_success(), "{:?}", response); eprintln!("Settings -> Documents -> test"); let index = server.index("test"); let (task, code) = index.update_settings(settings.clone()).await; assert_eq!(code, 202, "{}", task); let response = index.wait_task(task.uid()).await; assert!(response.is_success(), "{:?}", response); let (task, code) = index.add_documents(documents.clone(), None).await; assert_eq!(code, 202, "{}", task); let response = index.wait_task(task.uid()).await; assert!(response.is_success(), "{:?}", response); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(query.clone()).await; insta::allow_duplicates! { test(response, code); } let (task, code) = server.delete_index("test").await; assert_eq!(code, 202, "{}", task); let response = server.wait_task(task.uid()).await; assert!(response.is_success(), "{:?}", response); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_facet_search() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres"])).await; let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); assert_eq!(dbg!(response)["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 2); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "adventure"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); assert_eq!(response["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 1); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_facet_search_on_movies() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = json!([ { "id": 1, "title": "Carol", "genres": [ "Romance", "Drama" ], "color": [ "red" ], "platforms": [ "MacOS", "Linux", "Windows" ] }, { "id": 2, "title": "Wonder Woman", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure" ], "color": [ "green" ], "platforms": [ "MacOS" ] }, { "id": 3, "title": "Life of Pi", "genres": [ "Adventure", "Drama" ], "color": [ "blue" ], "platforms": [ "Windows" ] }, { "id": 4, "title": "Mad Max: Fury Road", "genres": [ "Adventure", "Science Fiction" ], "color": [ "red" ], "platforms": [ "MacOS", "Linux" ] }, { "id": 5, "title": "Moana", "genres": [ "Fantasy", "Action" ], "color": [ "red" ], "platforms": [ "Windows" ] }, { "id": 6, "title": "Philadelphia", "genres": [ "Drama" ], "color": [ "blue" ], "platforms": [ "MacOS", "Linux", "Windows" ] } ]); let (response, code) = index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres", "color"])).await; assert_eq!(202, code, "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, _code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetQuery": "", "facetName": "genres", "q": "" })).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); snapshot!(response["facetHits"], @r###"[{"value":"Action","count":2},{"value":"Adventure","count":3},{"value":"Drama","count":3},{"value":"Fantasy","count":1},{"value":"Romance","count":1},{"value":"Science Fiction","count":1}]"###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn advanced_facet_search() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres"])).await; index.update_settings_typo_tolerance(json!({ "enabled": false })).await; let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "adventre"})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), @"0"); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "àdventure"})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), @"1"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn more_advanced_facet_search() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres"])).await; index.update_settings_typo_tolerance(json!({ "disableOnWords": ["adventre"] })).await; let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "adventre"})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), @"0"); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "adventure"})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), @"1"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_facet_search_with_max_values() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.update_settings_faceting(json!({ "maxValuesPerFacet": 1 })).await; index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres"])).await; let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); assert_eq!(dbg!(response)["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 1); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_facet_search_by_count_with_max_values() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index .update_settings_faceting( json!({ "maxValuesPerFacet": 1, "sortFacetValuesBy": { "*": "count" } }), ) .await; index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres"])).await; let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); assert_eq!(dbg!(response)["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 1); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn non_filterable_facet_search_error() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 400, "{}", response); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "adv"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 400, "{}", response); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn facet_search_dont_support_words() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres"])).await; let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "words"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); assert_eq!(response["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 0); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_facet_search_with_sort_by_count() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.update_settings_faceting(json!({ "sortFacetValuesBy": { "*": "count" } })).await; index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres"])).await; let (task, _status_code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(task.uid()).await.succeeded(); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); let hits = response["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap(); assert_eq!(hits.len(), 2); assert_eq!(hits[0], json!({ "value": "Action", "count": 3 })); assert_eq!(hits[1], json!({ "value": "Adventure", "count": 2 })); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn add_documents_and_deactivate_facet_search() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); let (response, _code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "facetSearch": false, "filterableAttributes": ["genres"], })) .await; assert_eq!("202", code.as_str(), "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 400, "{}", response); snapshot!(response, @r###" { "message": "The facet search is disabled for this index", "code": "facet_search_disabled", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn deactivate_facet_search_and_add_documents() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "facetSearch": false, "filterableAttributes": ["genres"], })) .await; assert_eq!("202", code.as_str(), "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); let (response, _code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 400, "{}", response); snapshot!(response, @r###" { "message": "The facet search is disabled for this index", "code": "facet_search_disabled", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn deactivate_facet_search_add_documents_and_activate_facet_search() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "facetSearch": false, "filterableAttributes": ["genres"], })) .await; assert_eq!("202", code.as_str(), "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); let (response, _code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "facetSearch": true, })) .await; assert_eq!("202", code.as_str(), "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); assert_eq!(dbg!(response)["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 2); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn deactivate_facet_search_add_documents_and_reset_facet_search() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "facetSearch": false, "filterableAttributes": ["genres"], })) .await; assert_eq!("202", code.as_str(), "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); let (response, _code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "facetSearch": serde_json::Value::Null, })) .await; assert_eq!("202", code.as_str(), "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"})).await; assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); assert_eq!(dbg!(response)["facetHits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 2); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn facet_search_with_filterable_attributes_rules() { test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": ["genres"]}), &json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"], @r###"[{"value":"Action","count":3},{"value":"Adventure","count":2}]"###); }, ) .await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": ["genres"], "features": {"facetSearch": true, "filter": {"equality": false, "comparison": false}}}]}), &json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"], @r###"[{"value":"Action","count":3},{"value":"Adventure","count":2}]"###); }, ).await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &NESTED_DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [""]}), &json!({"facetName": "", "facetQuery": "b"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"], @r###"[{"value":"bobby","count":1},{"value":"buddy","count":1}]"###); }, ) .await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &NESTED_DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": [""], "features": {"facetSearch": true, "filter": {"equality": false, "comparison": false}}}]}), &json!({"facetName": "", "facetQuery": "b"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(response["facetHits"], @r###"[{"value":"bobby","count":1},{"value":"buddy","count":1}]"###); }, ).await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn facet_search_with_filterable_attributes_rules_errors() { test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": ["genres"]}), &json!({"facetName": "invalid", "facetQuery": "a"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(response["message"], @r###""Attribute `invalid` is not facet-searchable. Available facet-searchable attributes patterns are: `genres`. To make it facet-searchable add it to the `filterableAttributes` index settings.""###); }, ) .await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": ["genres"]}]}), &json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(response["message"], @r###""Attribute `genres` is not facet-searchable. This index does not have configured facet-searchable attributes. To make it facet-searchable add it to the `filterableAttributes` index settings.""###); }, ) .await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": ["genres"], "features": {"facetSearch": false, "filter": {"equality": true, "comparison": true}}}]}), &json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(response["message"], @r###""Attribute `genres` is not facet-searchable. This index does not have configured facet-searchable attributes. To make it facet-searchable add it to the `filterableAttributes` index settings.""###); }, ).await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": ["genres"], "features": {"facetSearch": false, "filter": {"equality": false, "comparison": false}}}]}), &json!({"facetName": "genres", "facetQuery": "a"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(response["message"], @r###""Attribute `genres` is not facet-searchable. This index does not have configured facet-searchable attributes. To make it facet-searchable add it to the `filterableAttributes` index settings.""###); }, ).await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &NESTED_DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": [""]}]}), &json!({"facetName": "", "facetQuery": "b"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(response["message"], @r###""Attribute `` is not facet-searchable. This index does not have configured facet-searchable attributes. To make it facet-searchable add it to the `filterableAttributes` index settings.""###); }, ) .await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &NESTED_DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": [""], "features": {"facetSearch": false, "filter": {"equality": true, "comparison": true}}}]}), &json!({"facetName": "", "facetQuery": "b"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(response["message"], @r###""Attribute `` is not facet-searchable. This index does not have configured facet-searchable attributes. To make it facet-searchable add it to the `filterableAttributes` index settings.""###); }, ).await; test_settings_documents_indexing_swapping_and_facet_search( &NESTED_DOCUMENTS, &json!({"filterableAttributes": [{"attributePatterns": [""], "features": {"facetSearch": false, "filter": {"equality": false, "comparison": false}}}]}), &json!({"facetName": "", "facetQuery": "b"}), |response, code| { snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(response["message"], @r###""Attribute `` is not facet-searchable. This index does not have configured facet-searchable attributes. To make it facet-searchable add it to the `filterableAttributes` index settings.""###); }, ).await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn distinct_facet_search_on_movies() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = json!([ { "id": 1, "title": "Carol", "genres": ["Romance", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "crimson" }, { "id": 2, "title": "Wonder Woman", "genres": ["Action", "Adventure", "Blob"], "color": "emerald" }, { "id": 3, "title": "Life of Pi", "genres": ["Adventure", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "azure" }, { "id": 4, "title": "Mad Max: Fury Road", "genres": ["Adventure", "Science Fiction", "Blob"], "color": "scarlet" }, { "id": 5, "title": "Moana", "genres": ["Fantasy", "Action", "Blob"], "color": "coral" }, { "id": 6, "title": "Philadelphia", "genres": ["Drama", "Blob"], "color": "navy" }, { "id": 7, "title": "The Matrix", "genres": ["Science Fiction", "Action", "Blob"], "color": "onyx" }, { "id": 8, "title": "Inception", "genres": ["Science Fiction", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "cerulean" }, { "id": 9, "title": "The Shawshank Redemption", "genres": ["Drama", "Blob"], "color": "slate" }, { "id": 10, "title": "Pulp Fiction", "genres": ["Crime", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "gold" }, { "id": 11, "title": "The Dark Knight", "genres": ["Action", "Crime", "Blob"], "color": "obsidian" }, { "id": 12, "title": "Forrest Gump", "genres": ["Drama", "Romance", "Blob"], "color": "jade" }, { "id": 13, "title": "The Godfather", "genres": ["Crime", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "sepia" }, { "id": 14, "title": "Fight Club", "genres": ["Drama", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "ruby" }, { "id": 15, "title": "Goodfellas", "genres": ["Crime", "Biography", "Blob"], "color": "charcoal" }, { "id": 16, "title": "The Silence of the Lambs", "genres": ["Crime", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "amethyst" }, { "id": 17, "title": "Schindler's List", "genres": ["Biography", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "ebony" }, { "id": 18, "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "genres": ["Adventure", "Fantasy", "Blob"], "color": "forest" }, { "id": 19, "title": "Star Wars", "genres": ["Science Fiction", "Adventure", "Blob"], "color": "amber" }, { "id": 20, "title": "Jurassic Park", "genres": ["Adventure", "Science Fiction", "Blob"], "color": "lime" }, { "id": 21, "title": "Titanic", "genres": ["Drama", "Romance", "Blob"], "color": "sapphire" }, { "id": 22, "title": "The Avengers", "genres": ["Action", "Science Fiction", "Blob"], "color": "burgundy" }, { "id": 23, "title": "Avatar", "genres": ["Science Fiction", "Adventure", "Blob"], "color": "turquoise" }, { "id": 24, "title": "The Green Mile", "genres": ["Crime", "Fantasy", "Blob"], "color": "emerald" }, { "id": 25, "title": "Gladiator", "genres": ["Action", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "sepia" }, { "id": 26, "title": "The Departed", "genres": ["Crime", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "crimson" }, { "id": 27, "title": "Saving Private Ryan", "genres": ["Drama", "War", "Blob"], "color": "slate" }, { "id": 28, "title": "Interstellar", "genres": ["Science Fiction", "Adventure", "Blob"], "color": "azure" }, { "id": 29, "title": "The Pianist", "genres": ["Biography", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "onyx" }, { "id": 30, "title": "The Usual Suspects", "genres": ["Crime", "Mystery", "Blob"], "color": "charcoal" }, { "id": 31, "title": "The Sixth Sense", "genres": ["Mystery", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "amethyst" }, { "id": 32, "title": "The Princess Bride", "genres": ["Adventure", "Romance", "Blob"], "color": "ruby" }, { "id": 33, "title": "Blade Runner", "genres": ["Science Fiction", "Noir", "Blob"], "color": "sapphire" }, { "id": 34, "title": "The Big Lebowski", "genres": ["Comedy", "Crime", "Blob"], "color": "gold" }, { "id": 35, "title": "Good Will Hunting", "genres": ["Drama", "Romance", "Blob"], "color": "turquoise" }, { "id": 36, "title": "The Terminator", "genres": ["Action", "Science Fiction", "Blob"], "color": "obsidian" }, { "id": 37, "title": "Casablanca", "genres": ["Drama", "Romance", "Blob"], "color": "jade" }, { "id": 38, "title": "The Exorcist", "genres": ["Horror", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "burgundy" }, { "id": 39, "title": "Apocalypse Now", "genres": ["Drama", "War", "Blob"], "color": "forest" }, { "id": 40, "title": "Back to the Future", "genres": ["Adventure", "Comedy", "Blob"], "color": "amber" }, { "id": 41, "title": "The Graduate", "genres": ["Comedy", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "azure" }, { "id": 42, "title": "Alien", "genres": ["Horror", "Science Fiction", "Blob"], "color": "obsidian" }, { "id": 43, "title": "The Breakfast Club", "genres": ["Drama", "Comedy", "Blob"], "color": "coral" }, { "id": 44, "title": "Die Hard", "genres": ["Action", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "scarlet" }, { "id": 45, "title": "The Sound of Music", "genres": ["Drama", "Musical", "Blob"], "color": "emerald" }, { "id": 46, "title": "Jaws", "genres": ["Horror", "Thriller", "Blob"], "color": "navy" }, { "id": 47, "title": "Rocky", "genres": ["Drama", "Sport", "Blob"], "color": "burgundy" }, { "id": 48, "title": "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", "genres": ["Adventure", "Science Fiction", "Blob"], "color": "amber" }, { "id": 49, "title": "The Godfather Part II", "genres": ["Crime", "Drama", "Blob"], "color": "sepia" }, { "id": 50, "title": "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "genres": ["Drama", "Blob"], "color": "slate" } ]); let (response, code) = index.update_settings_filterable_attributes(json!(["genres", "color"])).await; assert_eq!(202, code, "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index.update_settings_distinct_attribute(json!("color")).await; assert_eq!(202, code, "{:?}", response); index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, _code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetQuery": "blob", "facetName": "genres", "q": "" })).await; // non-exhaustive facet count is counting 27 documents with the facet query "blob" but there are only 23 documents with a distinct color. assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); snapshot!(response["facetHits"], @r###"[{"value":"Blob","count":27}]"###); let (response, code) = index.facet_search(json!({"facetQuery": "blob", "facetName": "genres", "q": "", "exhaustiveFacetCount": true })).await; // exhaustive facet count is counting 23 documents with the facet query "blob" which is the number of distinct colors. assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response); snapshot!(response["facetHits"], @r###"[{"value":"Blob","count":23}]"###); }