diff --git a/benchmarks/Cargo.toml b/benchmarks/Cargo.toml index e63210573..600525372 100644 --- a/benchmarks/Cargo.toml +++ b/benchmarks/Cargo.toml @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ edition = "2018" publish = false [dependencies] -milli = { path = "../milli" } anyhow = "1.0.56" -serde_json = { version = "1.0.79", features = ["preserve_order"] } csv = "1.1.6" +milli = { path = "../milli" } mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } +serde_json = { version = "1.0.79", features = ["preserve_order"] } [dev-dependencies] -heed = { git = "https://github.com/meilisearch/heed", tag = "v0.12.1" } criterion = { version = "0.3.5", features = ["html_reports"] } +heed = { git = "https://github.com/meilisearch/heed", tag = "v0.12.1" } rand = "0.8.5" rand_chacha = "0.3.1" roaring = "0.9.0" @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ roaring = "0.9.0" [build-dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.56" bytes = "1.1.0" -flate2 = "1.0.22" convert_case = "0.5.0" +flate2 = "1.0.22" reqwest = { version = "0.11.9", features = ["blocking", "rustls-tls"], default-features = false } [[bench]] diff --git a/cli/Cargo.toml b/cli/Cargo.toml index e012c8a33..504df712e 100644 --- a/cli/Cargo.toml +++ b/cli/Cargo.toml @@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ description = "A CLI to interact with a milli index" publish = false [dependencies] +bimap = "0.6.2" +byte-unit = { version = "4.0.14", features = ["serde"] } +color-eyre = "0.6.1" +csv = "1.1.6" +eyre = "0.6.7" +heed = { git = "https://github.com/meilisearch/heed", tag = "v0.12.1", default-features = false, features = ["lmdb", "sync-read-txn"] } indicatif = "0.16.2" +milli = { path = "../milli" } +mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } serde = "1.0.136" serde_json = "1.0.79" -structopt = "0.3.26" -milli = { path = "../milli" } -eyre = "0.6.7" -color-eyre = "0.6.1" -heed = { git = "https://github.com/meilisearch/heed", tag = "v0.12.1", default-features = false, features = ["lmdb", "sync-read-txn"] } -byte-unit = { version = "4.0.14", features = ["serde"] } -bimap = "0.6.2" -csv = "1.1.6" stderrlog = "0.5.1" -mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } +structopt = "0.3.26" diff --git a/helpers/Cargo.toml b/helpers/Cargo.toml index 1167bd353..bd09574f3 100644 --- a/helpers/Cargo.toml +++ b/helpers/Cargo.toml @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ anyhow = "1.0.56" byte-unit = { version = "4.0.14", default-features = false, features = ["std"] } heed = { git = "https://github.com/meilisearch/heed", tag = "v0.12.1" } milli = { path = "../milli" } +mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } stderrlog = "0.5.1" structopt = { version = "0.3.26", default-features = false } - -mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } diff --git a/http-ui/Cargo.toml b/http-ui/Cargo.toml index b3763409e..993818f93 100644 --- a/http-ui/Cargo.toml +++ b/http-ui/Cargo.toml @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ crossbeam-channel = "0.5.2" heed = { git = "https://github.com/meilisearch/heed", tag = "v0.12.1" } memmap2 = "0.5.3" milli = { path = "../milli" } +mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } once_cell = "1.10.0" rayon = "1.5.1" structopt = { version = "0.3.26", default-features = false, features = ["wrap_help"] } @@ -30,17 +31,16 @@ serde_json = { version = "1.0.79", features = ["preserve_order"] } tokio = { version = "1.17.0", features = ["full"] } tokio-stream = { version = "0.1.8", default-features = false, features = ["sync"] } warp = "0.3.2" -mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } # logging +fst = "0.4.7" log = "0.4.14" stderrlog = "0.5.1" -fst = "0.4.7" # Temporary fix for bitvec, remove once fixed. (https://github.com/bitvecto-rs/bitvec/issues/105) -funty = "2.0.0" bimap = "0.6.2" csv = "1.1.6" +funty = "2.0.0" [dev-dependencies] maplit = "1.0.2" diff --git a/infos/Cargo.toml b/infos/Cargo.toml index 7cbe52693..8c92ae649 100644 --- a/infos/Cargo.toml +++ b/infos/Cargo.toml @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ byte-unit = { version = "4.0.14", default-features = false, features = ["std"] } csv = "1.1.6" heed = { git = "https://github.com/meilisearch/heed", tag = "v0.12.1" } milli = { path = "../milli" } +mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false } roaring = "0.9.0" serde_json = "1.0.79" stderrlog = "0.5.1" structopt = { version = "0.3.26", default-features = false } -mimalloc = { version = "0.1.29", default-features = false }