# Contributing to EMBD This actually is really simple. A few simple guidelines and we can break for dinner: * EMBD is designed with a lot of affection, with utmost importance given to the dev experience (read: the API feel and style.) So always think from that angle when creating the pull request * [Documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/cfreeman/embd) helps drive adoption. No exceptions When it comes to the code: * Always [gofmt + goimports](https://michaelwhatcott.com/gosublime-goimports/) the code. We absolutely adore them. Sublime Text 3 with GoSublime + GoImports is a very potent combination in our opinion * Often you will hear us mention idiomatic Go ([read](http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html).) Writing Go "The Go Way™" helps keep the code readable and understandable by all Gophers. * No blank lines where they don't belong 'commit'tee called: * Commit messages should be all lower case, unless when absolutely required (proper nouns, acronyms, etc.) * When possible, prefix the message with the general area the commit is regarding. Good examples would be ```doc```, ```gpio```, ```bbb```. You get the drift * If the commit message is long, then follow this convention: ``` gpio: adding interrupts this is inspired by Dave Cheney's gpio library and his work on EPOLL ``` * Individual lines must be wrapped at the 70-char limit. Yeah, old school * No trailing '.' And: * Real tabs for indentation