/* Package mpu6050 allows interacting with mpu6050 gyroscoping/acceleration sensor. The interface is as close as possible to the sensor's firmware datasheet with no extra magic. https://www.invensense.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/MPU-6000-Register-Map1.pdf */ package mpu6050 import ( "github.com/golang/glog" "github.com/kidoman/embd" ) // Direct constants mapping with the register names const ( I2C_ADDR = 0x68 PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x6b // CONFIG is used to set the digital low pass filter (DLPF) CONFIG = 0x1A GYRO_CONFIG = 0x1B ACCEL_CONFIG = 0x1C DATA = 0x3B // ACCEL_XOUT_L = 0x3C // ACCEL_YOUT_H = 0x3D // ACCEL_YOUT_L = 0x3E // ACCEL_ZOUT_H = 0x3F // ACCEL_ZOUT_L = 0x40 // GYRO_XOUT_H = 0x43 // GYRO_XOUT_L = 0x44 // GYRO_YOUT_H = 0x45 // GYRO_YOUT_L = 0x46 // GYRO_ZOUT_H = 0x47 // GYRO_ZOUT_L = 0x48 // TEMP_OUT_H = 0x41 // TEMP_OUT_L = 0x42 //Temperature in degrees C = (TEMP_OUT Register Value as a signed quantity)/340 + 36.53 SIGNAL_PATH_RESET = 0x68 WAKE = 0x0 SLEEP = 0x40 DEVICE_RESET = 0x80 ) type reading struct { highReg, lowReg uint8 devider float64 } func (r *reading) decimal() float64 { d := float64(uint16(r.highReg)<<8 | uint16(r.lowReg)) if d >= 0x8000 { d = -((65535 - d) + 1) } d /= r.devider return d } type orientation struct { X, Y, Z float64 } type velocity struct { X, Y, Z float64 } type temperature struct { Celsius float64 } type rotation struct { X, Y float64 } type MPU6050Reading struct { aReading orientation gReading velocity tReading temperature } func (r *MPU6050Reading) Orientation() orientation { return r.aReading } func (r *MPU6050Reading) Velocity() velocity { return r.gReading } func (r *MPU6050Reading) Temp() temperature { return r.tReading } // Config represents a MPU6050 range setting. type Config struct { GiroScale string AccelScale string Dlpf string } // scaleRange represents a range unit where selection is the register value and sensitivity is the range devider type scaleRange struct { name string selection byte sensitivity float64 } // used to validate the config passed from the initialization and map it to the internal Digital Low Pass Filter (DLPF) values. var dlpfRanges = map[string]byte{ "0": 0x0, "1": 0x1, "2": 0x2, "3": 0x3, "4": 0x4, "5": 0x5, "6": 0x6} // used to parse the config passed from the initialization and map it to the internal scale range values. var gyroRanges = map[string]scaleRange{ "250": scaleRange{"250 °/s", 0x0, 131}, "500": scaleRange{"500 °/s", 0x8, 65.5}, "1000": scaleRange{"1000 °/s", 0x10, 32.8}, "2000": scaleRange{"2000 °/s", 0x18, 16.4}, } // used to parse the config passed from the initialization and map it to the internal scale range values. var accelRanges = map[string]scaleRange{ "2g": scaleRange{"2g", 0x0, 16384}, "4g": scaleRange{"4g", 0x8, 8192}, "8g": scaleRange{"8g", 0x10, 4096}, "16g": scaleRange{"16g", 0x18, 2048}, } func readingDevider(b embd.I2CBus, reg byte, s map[string]scaleRange) float64 { scale, _ := b.ReadByteFromReg(I2C_ADDR, reg) scale = (scale & 0x18) // mask the bits that are not of interest var devider float64 = 1 for _, v := range s { if v.selection == scale { devider = v.sensitivity break } } return devider } // MPU6050 represents a MPU6050 3-axis gyroscope and acceleromoter. type MPU6050 struct { Bus embd.I2CBus gyroRange scaleRange accelRange scaleRange dlpf byte } // New creates a new MPU6050 interface. func New(bus embd.I2CBus, c *Config) (*MPU6050, error) { var s *MPU6050 var gR = gyroRanges["250"] var aR = accelRanges["2g"] var dlpf = dlpfRanges["0"] if r, ok := gyroRanges[c.GiroScale]; ok { gR = r } else if c.GiroScale != "" { glog.Fatalln("Incorrect gyro scale range value!") } if r, ok := accelRanges[c.AccelScale]; ok { aR = r } else if c.AccelScale != "" { glog.Fatalln("Incorrect accel scale range value!") } if r, ok := dlpfRanges[c.Dlpf]; ok { dlpf = r } else if c.Dlpf != "" { glog.Fatalln("Incorrect dlpf value!") } s = &MPU6050{ Bus: bus, gyroRange: gR, accelRange: aR, dlpf: dlpf, } return s, nil } // Wake writes to the power management register to disable the sleep mode func (s *MPU6050) Start() error { if err := s.wake(); err != nil { return err } if err := s.setup(); err != nil { return err } return nil } // Wake writes to the power management register to disable the sleep mode func (s *MPU6050) wake() error { if err := s.Bus.WriteByteToReg(I2C_ADDR, PWR_MGMT_1, WAKE); err != nil { return err } glog.V(1).Infof("mpu6050: sensor is now alive") return nil } // Close writes to the power management register to reset the sensor and put it in sleep mode func (s *MPU6050) Close() error { if err := s.Bus.WriteByteToReg(I2C_ADDR, PWR_MGMT_1, SLEEP|DEVICE_RESET); err != nil { return err } glog.V(1).Infof("mpu6050: sensor is reset and put to sleep") return nil } func (s *MPU6050) setup() error { if err := s.Bus.WriteByteToReg(I2C_ADDR, GYRO_CONFIG, s.gyroRange.selection); err != nil { return err } glog.V(1).Infof("mpu6050: sensor gyro scale is %s", s.gyroRange.name) if err := s.Bus.WriteByteToReg(I2C_ADDR, ACCEL_CONFIG, s.accelRange.selection); err != nil { return err } glog.V(1).Infof("mpu6050: sensor gyro scale is %s", s.accelRange.name) if err := s.Bus.WriteByteToReg(I2C_ADDR, CONFIG, s.dlpf); err != nil { return err } glog.V(1).Infof("mpu6050: sensor digital low pass filter is %d", s.dlpf) return nil } func (s *MPU6050) Read() *MPU6050Reading { r := &MPU6050Reading{} // read all 6 registers at once to make sure we are getting the correct reading sample sequence data := make([]byte, 14) if err := s.Bus.ReadFromReg(I2C_ADDR, DATA, data); err != nil { glog.Fatalln(err) } // take the devider for every reading in case another app has changed the sensor sensitivity deviderA := readingDevider(s.Bus, ACCEL_CONFIG, accelRanges) xA := reading{uint8(data[0]), uint8(data[1]), deviderA} yA := reading{uint8(data[2]), uint8(data[3]), deviderA} zA := reading{uint8(data[4]), uint8(data[5]), deviderA} r.aReading = orientation{xA.decimal(), yA.decimal(), zA.decimal()} t := reading{uint8(data[6]), uint8(data[7]), 1} r.tReading = temperature{Celsius: (t.decimal()/340 + 36.53)} deviderG := readingDevider(s.Bus, GYRO_CONFIG, gyroRanges) xG := reading{uint8(data[8]), uint8(data[9]), deviderG} yG := reading{uint8(data[10]), uint8(data[11]), deviderG} zG := reading{uint8(data[12]), uint8(data[13]), deviderG} r.gReading = velocity{xG.decimal(), yG.decimal(), zG.decimal()} return r }