#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Author: Nils Freydank PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" set -uxa GPG_SIGNING_KEY="${GPG_SIGNING_KEY:-0x0F1DEAB2D36AD112}" REGISTRY="${REGISTRY:-git.holgersson.xyz/gentoo-related/gentoo-binpkg-builder}" VERSION="${VERSION:-$(date --utc +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)}" IMAGE_TAG="${REGISTRY}:${VERSION}" REPOS="${REPOS:-/var/db/repos}" DISTFILES="${DISTFILES:-/var/cache/distfiles-podman-1}" BINPKG="${BINPKG:-/var/cache/packages-podman-1}" LOGDIR="${LOGDIR:-$(pwd)/log}" DOCKER_FILE="${DOCKER_FILE:-$(pwd)/Dockerfile}" ARCH="${ARCH:-amd64}" MICROARCH="${MICROARCH:-amd64}" OCI_ARCH="${OCI_ARCH:-linux/amd64}" PODMAN_BUILD_ARGS=( # Do not leak the host's /etc/host into the container. --no-hosts # Limit the memory to be used. --memory=20G # memory-swap is the sum of RAM and swap. --memory-swap=21G --shm-size=2G # Share the gentoo repo, overlays etc. -v "${REPOS}:/var/db/repos:ro" # Share the distfiles, i.e. typically source archives. -v "${DISTFILES}:/var/cache/distfiles:rw,U" # Share the binpkgs r/w cache. -v "${BINPKG}:/var/cache/packages:rw,U" # Keep the logs out of the container. -v "${LOGDIR}:/var/log:rw,U" # Use the given OCI file/Dockerfile. -f "${DOCKER_FILE}" # Add details about the architecture. --build-arg ARCH="${ARCH}" --build-arg MICROARCH="${MICROARCH}" --platform "${OCI_ARCH}" # Tag the generated image. -t "${IMAGE_TAG}" # Label the image. --label="gentoo-nfr-${IMAGE_TAG}" # Sign the image. #--sign-by="${GPG_SIGNING_KEY}" # Rebuild everything w/o cache. --no-cache ) exit_err() { echo "${@}" exit 1 } _mkdir() { mkdir -p "${@}" || exit_err "Could not create dir ${@}." } # === Prepare all directories. _mkdir "${REPOS}" _mkdir "${DISTFILES}" _mkdir "${BINPKG}" _mkdir "${LOGDIR}" # === Fetch the base image. podman pull gentoo/stage3:amd64-nomultilib-systemd || exit_err "Could not fetch the image." # === Build the new image. podman build "${PODMAN_BUILD_ARGS[@]}" || exit_err "Build failed." # === Remove the old tag 'latest'. podman tag rm "${REGISTRY}:latest" # Do not exit_err here. At least on first run # there is no latest tag to delete. # === Tage the new image as 'latest'. podman tag "${REGISTRY}:${VERSION}" "${REGISTRY}:latest" || exit_err "Could not tag new image as 'latest'." # vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ts=4:syntax=bash:expandtab