25 Nov 2019; -ants-2.3.1_p20191013.ebuild: sci-biology/ants: migrated version bump to Gentoo Scinece https://gitweb.gent oo.org/proj/sci.git/commit/?id=402183f38c721910fe038ed4ce04e0a98a37c584 17 Oct 2019; ants-9999.ebuild: sci-biology/ants: patch merged by ANTs upstream 13 Oct 2019; +files/ants-2.3.1_p20191013-logic.patch, +files/ants-2.3.1_p20191013-paths.patch, ants-2.3.1_p20191013.ebuild, ants-9999.ebuild: sci-biology/ants: updated ebuild style 23 Sep 2019; ants-2.3.1_p20190704.ebuild: sci-biology/ants: improved testing support *ants-2.3.1_p20190704 (21 Sep 2019) 21 Sep 2019; +ants-2.3.1_p20190704.ebuild, -ants-2.3.1-r1.ebuild, -ants-2.3.1.ebuild, ants-9999.ebuild: sci-biology/ants: version bump 2.3.1_p20190704 *ants-2.3.1 (18 May 2019) 18 May 2019; +ants-2.3.1.ebuild: sci-biology/ants: unsandboxed fix fro bundling Do not include in Gentoo Science, work on unbundled revbump *ants-2.3.1-r1 (25 Mar 2019) *ants-9999 (25 Mar 2019) 25 Mar 2019; +ants-2.3.1-r1.ebuild, +ants-9999.ebuild, +files/99ants, +metadata.xml: sci-biology/ants: fixes ahead of Gentoo Science