# Chymeric Gentoo Overlay An overlay for Gentoo, with various packages used and/or maintained by [TheChymera](https://github.com/TheChymera). A number of the ebuilds available from this overlay are regularly copied from external sources (see respective commit mesages), and thus have a different maintainer. If you are looking for the neuroscience software packages maintained by [TheChymera](https://github.com/TheChymera), use the [Gentoo Science](https://github.com/gentoo/sci) instead. ## Install As per the [current Portage specifications](https://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/portage.5.html), overlays should be managed via `/etc/portage/repos.conf/`. To enable this overlay make sure you are using a recent Portage version (at least `2.2.14`), and download our `.conf` file to the apropriate system directory (root access will likely be required): ``` mkdir /etc/portage/repos.conf wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheChymera/overlay/master/metadata/chymeric.conf -O /etc/portage/repos.conf/chymeric ``` Afterwards, simply run `emerge --sync`, and Portage should seamlessly make all our ebuilds available. Some of our packages are available as live (`*-9999`) ebuilds, and if you wish to use this feature (only advisable if you are well-informed on the day-to-day development of these packages) these versions can be manually unmasked in a case-by-case basis under `/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords`. --- *Please report issues via the GitHub tracking system! Please fork and submit pull requests! We're happy to merge!*