""" Parses the README.md and generated the table `CONTRIBUTORS.md`. """ import pprint import re import requests regex = ("[sS]uggested by @(\S+) in \[this\]\(https:\/\/github\.com\/satwikkansal" "\/wtf[pP]ython\/issues\/(\d+)\) issue") fname = "README.md" contribs = {} table_header = """ | Contributor | Github | Issues | |-------------|--------|--------| """ table_row = '| {} | [{}](https://github.com/{}) | {} |' issue_format = '[#{}](https:/github.com/satwikkansal/wtfpython/issues/{})' rows_so_far = [] github_rest_api = "https://api.github.com/users/{}" with open(fname, 'r') as f: file_content = f.read() matches = re.findall(regex, file_content) for match in matches: if contribs.get(match[0]) and match[1] not in contribs[match[0]]: contribs[match[0]].append(match[1]) else: contribs[match[0]] = [match[1]] for handle, issues in contribs.items(): issue_string = ', '.join([issue_format.format(i, i) for i in issues]) resp = requests.get(github_rest_api.format(handle)) name = handle if resp.status_code == 200: pprint.pprint(resp.json()['name']) else: print(handle, resp.content) rows_so_far.append(table_row.format(name, handle, handle, issue_string)) print(table_header + "\n".join(rows_so_far))