# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This inefficient module would parse the README.md in the initial version of WTFPython, and enable me to categorize and reorder a hell lot of examples with the help of the file `add_categories` (part of which is automatically generated). After the refactor, this module would not work now with necessary updates in the code. """ try: raw_input # Python 2 except NameError: raw_input = input # Python 3 fname = "README.md" snippets = [] with open(fname, 'r') as f: lines = iter(f.readlines()) line = lines.next() try: while True: # check if it's a H3 if line.startswith("### "): title = line.replace("### ", "") description = [] next_line = lines.next() # store lines till an H4 (explanation) is encountered while not next_line.startswith("#### "): description.append(next_line) next_line = lines.next() explanation = [] # store lines again until --- or another H3 is encountered while not (next_line.startswith("---") or next_line.startswith("### ")): explanation.append(next_line) next_line = lines.next() # Store the results finally snippets.append({ "title": title, "description": '\n'.join(description), "explanation": '\n'.join(explanation) }) line = next_line else: line = lines.next() except StopIteration: snippets.append({ "title": title, "description": '\n'.join(description), "explanation": '\n'.join(explanation) }) ''' # Create a file file_content = "\n\n".join([snip["title"] for snip in snippets]) with open("add_categories", "w") as f: f.write(file_content) ''' snips_by_title = {} with open("add_categories", "r") as f: content = iter(f.readlines()) try: while True: title = content.next() cat = content.next().strip() is_new = cat[-1]=="*" cat = cat.replace('*','') snips_by_title[title] = { "category": cat, "is_new": is_new } content.next() except StopIteration: pass for idx, snip in enumerate(snippets): snippets[idx]["category"] = snips_by_title[snip["title"]]["category"] snippets[idx]["is_new"] = snips_by_title[snip["title"]]["is_new"] snips_by_cat = {} for snip in snippets: cat = snip["category"] if not snips_by_cat.get(cat): snips_by_cat[cat] = [] snips_by_cat[cat].append(snip) snippet_template = """ ### ▶ {title}{is_new} {description} {explanation} --- """ category_template = """ --- ## {category} {content} """ result = "" category_names = { "a": "Appearances are Deceptive!", "t": "The Hiddent treasures", "f": "Strain your Brain", "c": "Be careful of these", "m": "Miscallaneous" } categories_in_order = ["a", "t", "f", "c", "m"] for category in categories_in_order: snips = snips_by_cat[category] for i, snip in enumerate(snips): print(i, ":", snip["title"]) content = "" for _ in snips: snip = snips[int(raw_input())] is_new = " *" if snip["is_new"] else "" content += snippet_template.format(title=snip["title"].strip(), is_new=is_new, description=snip["description"].strip().replace("\n\n", "\n"), explanation=snip["explanation"].strip().replace("\n\n", "\n")) result += category_template.format(category=category_names[category], content=content.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")) with open("generated.md", "w") as f: f.write(result.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")) print("Done!")