""" An inefficient monolithic piece of code that'll generate jupyter notebook from the projects main README. PS: If you are a recruiter, please don't judge me by this piece of code. I wrote it in hurry. I know this is messy and can be simplified, but I don't want to change it much because it just works. Simplifictions and improvements through patches are more than welcome however :) #TODOs - CLI arguments for running this thing - Add it to prepush hook - Add support for skip comments, to skip examples that are not meant for notebook environment. - Use templates? """ import json import os import pprint fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..', 'README.md') examples = [] # The globals current_example = 1 sequence_num = 1 current_section_name = "" STATEMENT_PREFIXES = ["...", ">>> ", "$ "] HOSTED_NOTEBOOK_INSTRUCTIONS = """ # Hosted notebook instructions This is just an experimental attempt of browsing wtfpython through jupyter notebooks. Some examples are read-only because, - they either require a version of Python that's not supported in the hosted runtime. - or they can't be reproduced in the notebook envrinonment. The expected outputs are already present in collapsed cells following the code cells. The Google colab provides Python2 (2.7) and Python3 (3.6, default) runtimes. You can switch among these for Python2 specific examples. For examples specific to other minor versions, you can simply refer to collapsed outputs (it's not possible to control the minor version in hosted notebooks as of now). You can check the active version using ```py >>> import sys >>> sys.version # Prints out Python version here. ``` That being said, most of tbe examples do work as expected. If you face any trouble, feel free to consult the original content on wtfpython and create an issue in the repo. Have fun! --- """ def generate_code_block(statements, output): global sequence_num result = { "type": "code", "sequence_num": sequence_num, "statements": statements, "output": output } sequence_num += 1 return result def generate_markdown_block(lines): global sequence_num result = { "type": "markdown", "sequence_num": sequence_num, "value": lines } sequence_num += 1 return result def is_interactive_statement(line): for prefix in STATEMENT_PREFIXES: if line.lstrip().startswith(prefix): return True return False def parse_example_parts(lines, title, current_line): parts = { "build_up": [], "explanation": [] } content = [title] statements_so_far = [] output_so_far = [] next_line = current_line # store build_up till an H4 (explanation) is encountered while not (next_line.startswith("#### ")or next_line.startswith('---')): # Watching out for the snippets if next_line.startswith("```py"): # It's a snippet, whatever found until now is text is_interactive = False output_encountered = False if content: parts["build_up"].append(generate_markdown_block(content)) content = [] next_line = next(lines) while not next_line.startswith("```"): if is_interactive_statement(next_line): is_interactive = True if (output_so_far): parts["build_up"].append(generate_code_block(statements_so_far, output_so_far)) statements_so_far, output_so_far = [], [] statements_so_far.append(next_line) else: # can be either output or normal code if is_interactive: output_so_far.append(next_line) elif output_encountered: output_so_far.append(next_line) else: statements_so_far.append(next_line) next_line = next(lines) # Snippet is over parts["build_up"].append(generate_code_block(statements_so_far, output_so_far)) statements_so_far, output_so_far = [], [] next_line = next(lines) else: # It's a text, go on. content.append(next_line) next_line = next(lines) # Explanation encountered, save any content till now (if any) if content: parts["build_up"].append(generate_markdown_block(content)) # Reset stuff content = [] statements_so_far, output_so_far = [], [] # store lines again until --- or another H3 is encountered while not (next_line.startswith("---") or next_line.startswith("### ")): if next_line.lstrip().startswith("```py"): # It's a snippet, whatever found until now is text is_interactive = False if content: parts["explanation"].append(generate_markdown_block(content)) content = [] next_line = next(lines) while not next_line.lstrip().startswith("```"): if is_interactive_statement(next_line): is_interactive = True if (output_so_far): parts["explanation"].append(generate_code_block(statements_so_far, output_so_far)) statements_so_far, output_so_far = [], [] statements_so_far.append(next_line) else: # can be either output or normal code if is_interactive: output_so_far.append(next_line) else: statements_so_far.append(next_line) next_line = next(lines) # Snippet is over parts["explanation"].append(generate_code_block(statements_so_far, output_so_far)) statements_so_far, output_so_far = [], [] next_line = next(lines) else: # It's a text, go on. content.append(next_line) next_line = next(lines) # All done if content: parts["explanation"].append(generate_markdown_block(content)) return next_line, parts def remove_from_beginning(tokens, line): for token in tokens: if line.lstrip().startswith(token): line = line.replace(token, "") return line def inspect_and_sanitize_code_lines(lines): tokens_to_remove = STATEMENT_PREFIXES result = [] is_print_present = False for line in lines: line = remove_from_beginning(tokens_to_remove, line) if line.startswith("print ") or line.startswith("print("): is_print_present = True result.append(line) return is_print_present, result def convert_to_cells(cell_contents, read_only): cells = [] for stuff in cell_contents: if stuff["type"] == "markdown": # todo add metadata later cells.append( { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": stuff["value"] } ) elif stuff["type"] == "code": if read_only: # Skip read only # TODO: Fix cells.append( { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": ["```py\n"] + stuff["statements"] + ["```\n"] + ["```py\n"] + stuff['output'] + ["```\n"] } ) continue is_print_present, sanitized_code = inspect_and_sanitize_code_lines(stuff["statements"]) if is_print_present: cells.append( { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "collapsed": True, }, "execution_count": None, "outputs": [{ "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": stuff["output"] }], "source": sanitized_code } ) else: cells.append( { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": None, "metadata": { "collapsed": True }, "outputs": [{ "data": { "text/plain": stuff["output"] }, "output_type": "execute_result", "metadata": {}, "execution_count": None }], "source": sanitized_code } ) return cells def convert_to_notebook(pre_examples_content, parsed_json, post_examples_content): result = { "cells": [], "metadata": {}, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 } notebook_path = "wtf.ipynb" result["cells"] += convert_to_cells([generate_markdown_block(pre_examples_content)], False) for example in parsed_json: parts = example["parts"] build_up = parts.get("build_up") explanation = parts.get("explanation") read_only = example.get("read_only") if build_up: result["cells"] += convert_to_cells(build_up, read_only) if explanation: result["cells"] += convert_to_cells(explanation, read_only) result["cells"] += convert_to_cells([generate_markdown_block(post_examples_content)], False) #pprint.pprint(result, indent=2) with open(notebook_path, "w") as f: json.dump(result, f) with open(fpath, 'r+', encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = iter(f.readlines()) line = next(lines) result = [] pre_examples_phase = True pre_stuff = [] post_stuff = [] try: while True: if line.startswith("## "): pre_examples_phase = False # A section is encountered current_section_name = line.replace("## ", "").strip() section_text = [] line = next(lines) # Until a new section is encountered while not (line.startswith("## ") or line.startswith("# ")): # check if it's a H3 if line.startswith("### "): # An example is encountered title_line = line line = next(lines) read_only = False while line.strip() == "" or line.startswith('' in line: read_only = True line = next(lines) example_details = { "id": current_example, "title": title_line.replace("### ", ""), "section": current_section_name, "read_only": read_only } line, example_details["parts"] = parse_example_parts(lines, title_line, line) result.append(example_details) current_example += 1 else: section_text.append(line) line = next(lines) else: if pre_examples_phase: pre_stuff.append(line) else: post_stuff.append(line) line = next(lines) except StopIteration as e: #pprint.pprint(result, indent=2) pre_stuff.append(HOSTED_NOTEBOOK_INSTRUCTIONS) convert_to_notebook(pre_stuff, result, post_stuff)