Merge pull request #344 from nifadyev/feature/#74/add-dark-theme-and-alt-support-for-images
#74: Add dark theme and alt support for images Resolves #74 Closes #302 Closes #317
@ -16,3 +16,8 @@ irrelevant/.ipynb_checkpoints/
# Virtual envitonments
@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
<p align="center"><img src="/images/logo.png#gh-light-mode-only" alt=""><img src="/images/logo-dark.png#gh-dark-mode-only" alt=""></p>
<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/logo_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/logo.svg">
<img alt="Shows a wtfpython logo." src="/images/logo.svg">
<h1 align="center">What the f*ck Python! 😱</h1>
<p align="center">Exploring and understanding Python through surprising snippets.</p>
@ -352,7 +358,14 @@ Makes sense, right?
* All length 0 and length 1 strings are interned.
* Strings are interned at compile time (`'wtf'` will be interned but `''.join(['w', 't', 'f'])` will not be interned)
* Strings that are not composed of ASCII letters, digits or underscores, are not interned. This explains why `'wtf!'` was not interned due to `!`. CPython implementation of this rule can be found [here](

<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/string-intern/string_interning_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/string-intern/string_interning.svg">
<img alt="Shows a string interning process." src="/images/string-intern/string_interning.svg">
+ When `a` and `b` are set to `"wtf!"` in the same line, the Python interpreter creates a new object, then references the second variable at the same time. If you do it on separate lines, it doesn't "know" that there's already `"wtf!"` as an object (because `"wtf!"` is not implicitly interned as per the facts mentioned above). It's a compile-time optimization. This optimization doesn't apply to 3.7.x versions of CPython (check this [issue]( for more discussion).
+ A compile unit in an interactive environment like IPython consists of a single statement, whereas it consists of the entire module in case of modules. `a, b = "wtf!", "wtf!"` is single statement, whereas `a = "wtf!"; b = "wtf!"` are two statements in a single line. This explains why the identities are different in `a = "wtf!"; b = "wtf!"`, and also explain why they are same when invoked in ``
+ The abrupt change in the output of the fourth snippet is due to a [peephole optimization]( technique known as Constant folding. This means the expression `'a'*20` is replaced by `'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'` during compilation to save a few clock cycles during runtime. Constant folding only occurs for strings having a length of less than 21. (Why? Imagine the size of `.pyc` file generated as a result of the expression `'a'*10**10`). [Here's]( the implementation source for the same.
@ -975,11 +988,23 @@ We didn't assign three `"X"`s, did we?
When we initialize `row` variable, this visualization explains what happens in the memory

<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_row_initialized_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_row_initialized.svg">
<img alt="Shows a memory segment after row is initialized." src="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_row_initialized.svg">
And when the `board` is initialized by multiplying the `row`, this is what happens inside the memory (each of the elements `board[0]`, `board[1]` and `board[2]` is a reference to the same list referred by `row`)

<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_board_initialized_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_board_initialized.svg">
<img alt="Shows a memory segment after board is initialized." src="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_board_initialized.svg">
We can avoid this scenario here by not using `row` variable to generate `board`. (Asked in [this]( issue).
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 8.1 KiB |
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
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"<p align=\"center\"><img src=\"/images/logo.png\" alt=\"\"></p>\n",
"<img src=\"\" alt=\"wtfpython logo.\" style=\"display=block; margin:auto\">\n",
"<h1 align=\"center\">What the f*ck Python! \ud83d\ude31</h1>\n",
"<p align=\"center\">Exploring and understanding Python through surprising snippets.</p>\n",
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
" * All length 0 and length 1 strings are interned.\n",
" * Strings are interned at compile time (`'wtf'` will be interned but `''.join(['w', 't', 'f'])` will not be interned)\n",
" * Strings that are not composed of ASCII letters, digits or underscores, are not interned. This explains why `'wtf!'` was not interned due to `!`. CPython implementation of this rule can be found [here](\n",
" \n",
"<img src=\"\" alt=\"Shows a string interning process.\" style=\"display=block; margin:auto\">\n",
"+ When `a` and `b` are set to `\"wtf!\"` in the same line, the Python interpreter creates a new object, then references the second variable at the same time. If you do it on separate lines, it doesn't \"know\" that there's already `\"wtf!\"` as an object (because `\"wtf!\"` is not implicitly interned as per the facts mentioned above). It's a compile-time optimization. This optimization doesn't apply to 3.7.x versions of CPython (check this [issue]( for more discussion).\n",
"+ A compile unit in an interactive environment like IPython consists of a single statement, whereas it consists of the entire module in case of modules. `a, b = \"wtf!\", \"wtf!\"` is single statement, whereas `a = \"wtf!\"; b = \"wtf!\"` are two statements in a single line. This explains why the identities are different in `a = \"wtf!\"; b = \"wtf!\"`, and also explain why they are same when invoked in ``\n",
"+ The abrupt change in the output of the fourth snippet is due to a [peephole optimization]( technique known as Constant folding. This means the expression `'a'*20` is replaced by `'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'` during compilation to save a few clock cycles during runtime. Constant folding only occurs for strings having a length of less than 21. (Why? Imagine the size of `.pyc` file generated as a result of the expression `'a'*10**10`). [Here's]( the implementation source for the same.\n",
@ -2947,11 +2947,11 @@
"When we initialize `row` variable, this visualization explains what happens in the memory\n",
"<img src=\"\" alt=\"Shows a memory segment after row is initialized.\" style=\"display=block; margin:auto\">\n",
"And when the `board` is initialized by multiplying the `row`, this is what happens inside the memory (each of the elements `board[0]`, `board[1]` and `board[2]` is a reference to the same list referred by `row`)\n",
"<img src=\"\" alt=\"Shows a memory segment after board is initialized.\" style=\"display=block; margin:auto\">\n",
"We can avoid this scenario here by not using `row` variable to generate `board`. (Asked in [this]( issue).\n",
@ -13475,4 +13475,4 @@
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@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
<p align="center"><img src="/images/logo.png#gh-light-mode-only" alt=""><img src="/images/logo-dark.png#gh-dark-mode-only" alt=""></p>
<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/logo_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/logo.svg">
<img alt="Логотип wtfpython" src="/images/logo.svg">
<h1 align="center">What the f*ck Python! 😱</h1>
<p align="center">Изучение и понимание Python с помощью удивительных примеров поведения.</p>
@ -408,7 +414,13 @@ False
- Все строки длиной 0 или 1 символа интернируются.
- Строки интернируются во время компиляции (`'wtf'` будет интернирована, но `''.join(['w'', 't', 'f'])` - нет)
- Строки, не состоящие из букв ASCII, цифр или знаков подчеркивания, не интернируются. В примере выше `'wtf!'` не интернируется из-за `!`. Реализацию этого правила в CPython можно найти [здесь](

<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/string-intern/string_interning_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/string-intern/string_interning.svg">
<img alt="Процесс интернирования строк." src="/images/string-intern/string_interning.svg">
- Когда переменные `a` и `b` принимают значение `"wtf!"` в одной строке, интерпретатор Python создает новый объект, а затем одновременно ссылается на вторую переменную. Если это выполняется в отдельных строках, он не "знает", что уже существует `"wtf!"` как объект (потому что `"wtf!"` не является неявно интернированным в соответствии с фактами, упомянутыми выше). Это оптимизация во время компиляции, не применяется к версиям CPython 3.7.x (более подробное обсуждение смотрите [здесь](
- Единица компиляции в интерактивной среде IPython состоит из одного оператора, тогда как в случае модулей она состоит из всего модуля. `a, b = "wtf!", "wtf!"` - это одно утверждение, тогда как `a = "wtf!"; b = "wtf!"` - это два утверждения в одной строке. Это объясняет, почему тождества различны в `a = "wtf!"; b = "wtf!"`, но одинаковы при вызове в модуле.
- Резкое изменение в выводе четвертого фрагмента связано с [peephole optimization]( техникой, известной как складывание констант (англ. Constant folding). Это означает, что выражение `'a'*20` заменяется на `'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'` во время компиляции, чтобы сэкономить несколько тактов во время выполнения. Складывание констант происходит только для строк длиной менее 21. (Почему? Представьте себе размер файла `.pyc`, созданного в результате выполнения выражения `'a'*10**10`). [Вот]( исходный текст реализации для этого.
@ -1038,11 +1050,23 @@ board = [row] * 3
Когда мы инициализируем переменную `row`, эта визуализация объясняет, что происходит в памяти

<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_row_initialized_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_row_initialized.svg">
<img alt="Ячейка памяти после того, как переменная row инициализирована." src="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_row_initialized.svg">
А когда переменная `board` инициализируется путем умножения `row`, вот что происходит в памяти (каждый из элементов `board[0]`, `board[1]` и `board[2]` является ссылкой на тот же список, на который ссылается `row`)

<p align="center">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_board_initialized_dark_theme.svg">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_board_initialized.svg">
<img alt="Ячейка памяти после того, как переменная board инициализирована." src="/images/tic-tac-toe/after_board_initialized.svg">
Мы можем избежать этого сценария, не используя переменную `row` для генерации `board`. (Подробнее в [issue](