\documentclass{article} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[lf]{venturis} \pagestyle{empty} \linespread{1.2} \begin{document} \frenchspacing \noindent {\LARGE 5 Venturis ADF}\\ ~\\ After Adobe finally open-sourced the Utopia font-family in 2006, font-designer Hirwen Harendal of the Arkandis Digital Foundry made the first legal derivative and released it in 2007 on behalf of the \TeX{} Users Group. The Venturis suite of typefaces are characterized by a smaller x-height and an even more ``square'' feeling than Utopia. The Venturis collection consists of the following three typefaces. %The ADF has three purposes. The first is provide fonts to allow for artistic %creativity in publications for those who cannot afford the cost of %commercial font families. The second is to protect the works of professional %font foundries and designers from the illegal use of their fonts in %publications or for commercial use by providing these free alternatives. The %last is that making fonts is a great pleasure. \end{document}