\documentclass{article} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{kpfonts} \pagestyle{empty} \linespread{1.2} \begin{document} \frenchspacing \noindent {\LARGE 2 Kp-Fonts}\\ ~\\ The ``Kp-Fonts'' from the \emph{Johannes Kepler project} are a neat, easy, and complete replacement for the default Computer Modern font family. By using the package kpfonts (\textbackslash usepackage\{kpfonts\}) you replace the default roman, sans-serif and monospace typewriter fonts of the complete document, as well as the font used in the math sections. The package has many options, see the documentation in kpfonts.pdf. %(on Unix-like systems, %type \emph{texdoc kpfonts}). The roman font-family of Kp-Fonts is a modified version of the open source URW Palladio, a clone of the popular but non-free Palatino font family created by Herman Zapf and first released in 1948. %Named after the $16^{\textrm{th}}$ century Italian master of %calligraphy Giovanni Battista Palatino, Palatino is based on the humanist %fonts of the Italian Renaissance. According to the creator of Kp-Fonts, Christophe Caignaert, the modifications were made to give the font a more basic and dynamic shape. The following table (taken from \mbox{kpfonts.pdf}) illustrates this. \end{document}