\documentclass{article} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[OT1]{fontenc} \usepackage{librebaskerville} \usepackage{boisik} \usepackage{mflogo} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \pagestyle{empty} \linespread{1.2} \begin{document} \frenchspacing \noindent {\LARGE $10$ Boisik}~\\ ~\\ Boisik is without a doubt the ugliest font available in the \LaTeX{} distribution. One look at this paragraph and you'll agree that the last place in this Top 10 is a well-deserved one. However, Boisik is very much worth mentioning because it has completely been written in the archaic \MF{} system. That's right, every parameter of this font is globally adjustable, and every font size has different glyphs. Boisik is inspired by the classic 18th century {\librebaskerville\small Baskerville}, which is itself available with \textbackslash{}usepackage\{librebaskerville\}. Boisik can be selected by \textbackslash{}usepackage\{boisik\}. Boisik is a tribute to the original Computer Modern typeface, and its ugliness only underwrites the geniousness of Knuth's creation. \end{document}