# Dictionary Example This is an example of building a module that includes a dictionary in CMake. #### examples/root-dict/CMakeLists.txt [import:'main', lang:'cmake'](CMakeLists.txt) ## Supporting files This is just a simple-as-possible class definition, with one method: #### examples/root-dict/DictExample.cxx [import, lang:'c_cpp'](DictExample.cxx) #### examples/root-dict/DictExample.h [import, lang:'c_cpp'](DictExample.h) We need a `LinkDef.h`, as well. #### examples/root-dict/DictLinkDef.h [import, lang:'c_cpp'](DictLinkDef.h) ## Testing it This is an example of a macro that tests the correct generation from the files listed above. #### examples/root-dict/CheckLoad.C [import, lang:'c_cpp'](CheckLoad.C)