This is an example project using CMake. The requirements are: - CMake 3.11 or better; 3.14+ highly recommended. - A C++17 compatible compiler - The Boost libararies (header only part is fine) - Git - Doxygen (optional) To configure: ```bash cmake -S . -B build ``` Add `-GNinja` if you have Ninja. To build: ```bash cmake --build build ``` To test (`--target` can be written as `-t` in CMake 3.15+): ```bash cmake --build build --target test ``` To build docs (requires Doxygen, output in `build/docs/html`): ```bash cmake --build build --target docs ``` To use an IDE, such as Xcode: ```bash cmake -S . -B xbuild -GXcode cmake --open xbuild ``` The CMakeLists show off several useful design patters for CMake.