# ROOT ROOT is a C++ Toolkit for High Energy Physics. It is huge. There are really a lot of ways to use it in CMake, though many/most of the examples you'll find are probably wrong. Here's my recommendation. ## Finding ROOT ROOT supports config file discovery, so you can just do: ```cmake find_package(ROOT CONFIG) ``` to attempt to find ROOT. If you don't have your paths set up, you can pass `-DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS/cmake` to find ROOT. (But, really, you should source `thisroot.sh`) ## The wrong way ROOT provides a utility to set up a ROOT project, which you can activate using `include(${ROOT_USE_FILE})`. This will automatically make ugly global variables for you. Don't use it. ## The right way (Targets) ROOT does not correctly set up it's imported targets. To fix this error, you'll need something like: ```cmake ``` In CMake 3.11, you can just do: ```cmake ```