This is not exactly a module, but is crutial to many of the modules listed above. You can attept to compile (and possibly run) a bit of code at configure time. This can allow you to get information about the capabilities of your system. The basic syntax is:
There are lots of options you can add, like `COMPILE_DEFINITIONS`. In CMake 3.8+, this will honor the CMake C/C++/CUDA standard settings. If you use `try_run` instead, it will run the resulting program and give you the output in `RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE`.
This is a fairly useful but rather odd module. It allows you to print out a list of packages what were searched for, as well as any options you explicity mark. It's partially but not completely tied into «command:`find_package`». You first include the module, as always:
Then, for any find packages you have run or will run, you can extend the default information:
set_package_properties(OpenMP PROPERTIES
URL ""
DESCRIPTION "Parallel compiler directives"
PURPOSE "This is what it does in my package")
You can also set the `TYPE` of a package to `RUNTIME`, `OPTIONAL`, `RECOMMENDED`, or `REQUIRED`; you can't, however, lower the type of a package; if you have already added a `REQUIRED` package through «command:`find_package`» based on an option, you'll see it listed as `REQUIRED`.
And, you can mark any options as part of the feature summary:
Then, you can print out the summary of features, either to the screen or a log file: