# .gitignore template for Delphi projects # Based on Embarcadero documentation: # http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE5/en/File_Extensions_of_Files_Generated_by_RAD_Studio # !!! ATTENTION !!! # These types should be ignored in most cases. # Leave this lines commented only if you know what you are doing. # And please DO NOT store .res files in repository. Try to get rid of them. # #*.res #*.ddp #*.vlb #*.deployproj # # Delphi compiler-generated binaries *.exe *.dll *.bpl *.bpi *.dcp *.so *.apk *.drc *.map *.dres *.rsm *.tds *.tlb # Delphi autogenerated files (duplicated info) *.cfg *Resource.rc # Delphi local files (user-specific info) *.local *.identcache *.projdata *.tvsconfig *.dsk # Delphi history and backups __history/ *.~*