# STM32CubeIDE specific files # Project-specific settings. Ignore it if developers have different preferences. # However, if you want all team members to use the same code formatting and settings, # consider including the .settings folder in the repository. # /.settings/ # Ignore Eclipse-based IDE launch configurations. # Uncomment if you want each developer to have their own unique debug configurations. #*.launch # Ignore any JLink-related files (debug configurations). # Uncomment if you want each developer to have their own unique debug configurations. #*.jlink # Ignore log files generated by the IDE. # These are not necessary for version control. *.log # Ignore VSCode configuration files. # Useful if some team members use VSCode for development. # If you want to share VSCode settings, comment out the following line. .vscode/ # Build files # Ignore build output directories. # These are not needed in the repository as they are generated during the build process. Debug/ Release/ # Ignore common binary and object files generated during compilation. # They should not be included in the repository as they are build artifacts. *.elf *.map *.bin *.hex *.srec *.lst *.o *.d *.a *.su *.crl #TouchGFX files (in case your project has touchGFX) TouchGFX/generated TouchGFX/build TouchGFX/simulator/msvs/.vs # Backup files # Ignore temporary and backup files generated by the operating system and editor. # These are not needed in the repository. *.bak