/bootstrap/data /bootstrap/tmp /classes/ /dist/ /exploded-archives/ /test-build/ /test-output/ /test-report/ /target/ temp-testng-customsuite.xml # based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/8865858/422476 I am removing inline comments #/classes/ all class files #/dist/ contains generated war files for deployment #/exploded-archives/ war content generation during deploy (or explode) #/test-build/ test compilation (ant target for Seam) #/test-output/ test results #/test-report/ test report generation for, e.g., Hudson #/target/ maven output folder #temp-testng-customsuite.xml generated when running test cases under Eclipse # Thanks to @VonC and @kraftan for their helpful answers on a related question # on StackOverflow.com: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176687 # /what-is-the-recommended-source-control-ignore-pattern-for-seam-projects