The whole screenshots folder shouldn't be ignore since there could be frameit configuration in it (Framefile.json, fonts, background.jpg, *.strings, etc...). It'd be better to just ignore the generated PNG screenshot files.
The Objective-C and Swift gitignore files are missing `*.xccheckout`
and `*.xcscmblueprint`, but these are still included in the Xcode
gitignore. This commit synchronises the three files.
The files themselves contain information about the user's local
source control status and shouldn't be included in most Xcode
`*.xcuserstate` appears to always be contained in `xcuserdata/`
which is already ignored.
After trying this tool for code injeciton: we added it to our workflow.
Only bad side is that there's a folder included in the project that would be worth ignoring.
We had it in our .gitignore file. Just pushing the change
* master: (24 commits)
Add ignore for npm debug log files
Add KiCad ignore for .bck and .kicad_pcb-bak
Correct capitalisation of LightSwitch and omit generated.parameters.xml
Add newline at EOF
Add ignores for Visual Studio Lightswitch build output
Adding optional ignore proposal for wwwroot folder
Ignore NCrunch temporary files.
Update Dart.gitignore
Added .stack-work/ directory to Haskell .gitignore.
add Android Studio to the covers list
Ignore Default RSpec State File
Ignore *.auxlock files created by TikZ in TeX
Ignore files created by `\tikzexternalize`
Update Typo3.gitignore for CMS v6.2
[ObjC][Swift] Ignore Xcode SCM blueprint files
include preamble files generated by mylatexformat package
Add .jar, .exe and .msi
Remove .SRCINFO (and old .AURINFO) from .gitignore
Add CMakeScripts directory
ignore OAuth2 token
These files are automatically generated by Xcode and maintain
information regarding source control. Xcode is typically used
in Objective-C and Swift projects, so add these to the ignored files for
these platforms.
removing this aditional white space avoid a mistake for beginners developers ignore the pod directory, because is confusing to note when they remove the '#' character and git still is tracking the pod dir.
xcuserstate files are generated from within Xcode and saved in your project bundle to remember your last opened file, the open state of any group folders, open tabs, and any other user setting your project might need to remember
Reverted a change that was causing build directories at the root folder to show up in git. If you need to ignore subdirectories the leading slash needs to be omitted.
Workspaces are real documents that can be opened, just like `xcodeproj`
documents. These documents are also generated/used by CocoaPods to
configure a project’s dependencies. For these reasons, there does not
seem a good reason to ignore these any longer.