Nobody is using v1 of typings anymore on new projects and 'typings' is the recommended name for the folders of your custom types.
On the other hand the official Visual Studio ignore is not ignoring this folder.
The latest update of Visual Studio 17 (15.5.5) introduces a new backup folder called "ServiceFabricBackup" before upgrading service fabric applications.
* Add *.snk strong name key files
Strong name key files shouldn't be included in a repository AFAIK. they are intended to sign build output to verify that it comes from the correct publisher. having an *.snk in a repository would allow anyone to produce build as if they were the original publisher.
I guess some OSS projects might like to have *.snk files in their repos but that would be an exception to the rule.
* Make use of *.snk optional
Add note explaining use.
* Reduce explanation
Just use a link instead
It looks like VS2017 changed it's nuget package directory name to be capitalized.
When using Ubuntu for Windows, directory name casing of NuGet package folder becomes important and detected as a change by git,. This change is to ignore regardless of casing.
AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool. It creates a **.axoCover** folder where are created:
- settings in settings.json
- sub-folders into **run** folder which contain code coverage results.
All content into **.axoCover** folder must be ignored except the **settings.json** file.
- It is recommended to include the packages.config file when using Cake
- This ensures that the Cake version that is being used is *pinned* and updated only when the user decides
.jfm files have started blocking checking for .sqlproj projects in Visual Studio. .jfm files are a new file-type created by the Microsoft ESENT database engine - this is a recent improvement only in Windows 10 Anniversary update. As the SSDT .sqlproj type in Visual Studio uses this engine for .dbmdl metadata files, and this file is locked by the user, this currently blocks users from checking into Git repositories.
This fix helps mitigate this by avoiding checkin of this file type.
I've just upgraded to ASP.NET Core RC2, and I've found that Visual
Studio is producing a file called project.fragment.lock.json. When I
delete the file it is recreated during build. Given project.lock.json is
already ignored this looks like another file to ignore.
Commit a25589c92187674f68dcfafe8433e0c1e6069159 introduced an ignore line for ApplicationInsights.config. This change breaks builds on certain systems, namely VSTS.
The current ASP.NET 4 template adds ApplicationInsights.config to the project's .csproj file. When VSTS attempts to build the project, it will fail if it cannot find ApplicationInsights.config.
ApplicationInsights.config is a required application file and should not be ignored.