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<div class="sidebar">
<a href="#" data-clipboard-target="#license-text" data-proofer-ignore="true" class="js-clipboard-button button">Copy license text to clipboard</a>
{% unless page.spdx-id == 'LGPL-3.0' %}
<h3 id="suggest-this-license">Suggest this license</h3>
<div class="repository-suggestion">
<p>Make a pull request to suggest this license for a project that is <a href="/no-permission/">not licensed</a>. Please be polite: see if a license has already been suggested, try to suggest a license fitting for the project’s <a href="/community/">community</a>, and keep your communication with project maintainers friendly.</p>
<div class="input-wrapper">
<input type="text" data-license-id="{{ page.spdx-id }}" placeholder="Enter GitHub repository URL" id="repository-url" title="status" />
<div class="status-indicator"></div>
{% endunless %}
<div class="how-to-apply">
<h3 id="how-to-apply">How to apply this license</h3>
{{ page.how }}
<div class="note">
<h4 id="optional-steps">Optional steps</h4>
{% if page.note %}
{{ page.note }}
{% endif %}
{% assign xgpl = false %}
{% if page.spdx-id contains 'GPL' %}{% assign xgpl = true %}{% endif %}
{% if page.spdx-id contains 'GFDL' %}{% assign gfdl = true %}{% endif %}
{% assign ofl = false %}
{% if page.spdx-id contains 'OFL-1' %}{% assign ofl = true %}{% endif %}
<p id="package-metadata">Add <strong><code>{{ page.spdx-id }}{% if xgpl or gfdl %}-or-later{% endif %}{% if ofl %}-no-RFN{% endif %}</code></strong>{% if xgpl or gfdl %} (or <strong><code>{{ page.spdx-id }}-only</code></strong> to disallow future versions){% endif %}{% if ofl %} (or <strong><code>{{ page.spdx-id }}-RFN</code></strong> if a Reserved Font Name is specified after the copyright statement){% endif %} to your project’s package description, if applicable (e.g., <a href="https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/configuring-npm/package-json#license">Node.js</a>, <a href="https://guides.rubygems.org/specification-reference/#license=">Ruby</a>, and <a href="https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-license-and-license-file-fields">Rust</a>). This will ensure the license is displayed in package directories.</p>
{% if page.spdx-id contains 'GPL-2' %}
<p id="gplcc">If you would like your project to adopt the GPL-3.0’s cure provision, add the <a href="https://github.com/gplcc/gplcc/blob/master/Project/COMMITMENT">text</a> of the <a href="https://gplcc.github.io/gplcc/">GPL Cooperation Commitment</a> to a file named <code>COMMITMENT</code> in the same directory as your {{ page.spdx-id }} license file.</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="source">
<a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/{{ page.spdx-id }}{% if xgpl %}-or-later{% endif %}.html">
<span class="license-sprite"></span>
{% if page.using %}
<div class="projects-with-license">
<h3>Who’s using this license?</h3>
{% for using in page.using %}
<li><a href="{{ using[1] }}" target="_blank">{{ using[0] }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
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