layout: default
permalink: licenses/
class: license-types


{% for page in site.pages %}
  {% if page.layout == "license" %}
    {% if page.featured %}
    <table class='license-rules'>
        <th class='name'>
          <a href="{{ page.permalink }}">{% if page.family-title %}{{ page.family-title }}{% else %}{{ page.title }}{% endif %}</a>
        <th class='summary'>
         {{ page.description }} <a href="{{ page.permalink }}">View full license »</a>
      {% assign types = "required|permitted|forbidden" | split: "|" %}
      {% for type in types %}
        <td class="label">{{ type | capitalize }}</td>
          <ul class="license-{{ type }}">
            {% for req in page[type] %}
              <li class="{{ req }}">{{ site.rules[type][req].label }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

<h2>Other licenses</h2>
  Some communities tend to have specific licenses preferred by the
  community. For example, Perl developers often choose the Artistic License.

{% for page in site.pages %}
  {% if page.layout == "license" %}
    {% if page.featured != true and page.hide-from-license-list != true %}
    <table class='license-rules'>
        <th class='name'>
          <a href="{{ page.permalink }}">{% if page.family-title %}{{ page.family-title }}{% else %}{{ page.title }}{% endif %}</a>
        <th class='summary'>
         {{ page.description }} <a href="{{ page.permalink }}">View full license »</a>
      {% assign types = "required|permitted|forbidden" | split: "|" %}
      {% for type in types %}
        <td class="label">{{ type | capitalize }}</td>
          <ul class="license-{{ type }}">
            {% for req in page[type] %}
              <li class="{{ req }}">{{ site.rules[type][req].label }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}