title: ChooseALicense.com rules: required: include-copyright: description: Include a copy of the license and copyright with the code. label: License and copyright notice document-changes: description: Indicate significant changes made to the code. label: State Changes disclose-source: description: Source code must be made available when distributing the software. In the case of LGPL only the source for the library (and not the entire program) must be made available. label: Disclose Source nonstatic-linkage: description: The library must be linked in a way that allows it to be replaced with a similar library label: Nonstatic Linkage rename: description: You must change the name of the software if you modify it. label: Rename permitted: commercial-use: description: This software and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes. label: Commercial Use modifications: description: This software may be modified. label: Modification distribution: description: You may distribute this software. label: Distribution sublicense: description: You may grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties not included in the license. label: Sublicensing warranty: description: You may place a warranty on the software. label: Warranty private-use: description: You may use and modify the software without distributing it. label: Private Use forbidden: no-warranty: description: Software is released without warranty and the software/license owner cannot be charged for damages. label: Liability trademark-use: description: "You may NOT use the names, logos, or trademarks of contributors." label: Use Trademark no-liability: description: Software is provided without warranty and the software author/license owner cannot be held liable for damages. label: Liability no-sublicense: description: You may not grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties not included in the license. label: Sublicensing modifications: description: This software may not be modified. label: Modification distribution: description: You may not distribute this software. label: Distribution sublicense: description: You may not grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties not included in the license. label: Sublicensing