#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # Checks if a given license meets the approval criteria to be added to choosealicense.com # See https://github.com/github/choosealicense.com/blob/gh-pages/CONTRIBUTING.md#adding-a-license # Usage: script/check-approval [SPDX LICENSE ID] require_relative '../spec/spec_helper' require 'terminal-table' require 'colored' require 'fuzzy_match' # Display usage instructions puts File.read(__FILE__).scan(/^# .*/)[0...3].join("\n").gsub(/^# /, '') if ARGV.count != 1 class TrueClass def to_s 'Yes'.green end end class FalseClass def to_s 'No'.red end end license = ARGV[0].downcase.strip approvals = { 'OSI' => osi_approved_licenses, 'FSF' => fsf_approved_licenses, 'OD' => od_approved_licenses } id, spdx = find_spdx(license) rows = [] if spdx.nil? id = 'Invalid'.red name = 'None'.red else id = id.green name = spdx['name'].green end rows << ['SPDX ID', id] rows << ['SPDX Name', name] approvals.each do |approver, licenses| rows << ["#{approver} approved", licenses.include?(license)] end license_ids = licenses.map { |l| l['id'] } current = license_ids.include?(license) rows << ['Current license', current] rows << :separator eligible = !current && spdx && approved_licenses.include?(license) rows << ['Eligible', eligible] puts Terminal::Table.new title: "License: #{license}", rows: puts puts "Code search: https://github.com/search?q=#{license}+filename%3ALICENSE&type=Code" if spdx.nil? puts puts 'SPDX ID not found. Some possible matches:' puts fm = FuzzyMatch.new(spdx_ids) matches = fm.find_all_with_score(license) matches = matches[0...5].map { |record, _dice, _levin| record } matches.each { |l| puts "* #{l}" } end