Make a pull request to suggest this license for a project that is not licensed. Please be polite: see if a license has already been suggested, try to suggest a license fitting for the project’s community, and keep your communication with project maintainers friendly.
{{ }}
{{ page.note }}
{% endif %} {% assign lateronly = false %} {% if page.spdx-id contains 'GPL' %}{% assign lateronly = true %} {% elsif page.spdx-id contains 'GFDL' %}{% assign lateronly = true %}{% endif %} {% assign ofl = false %} {% if page.spdx-id contains 'OFL-1' %}{% assign ofl = true %}{% endif %}Add {{ page.spdx-id }}{% if lateronly %}-or-later{% endif %}{% if ofl %}-no-RFN{% endif %}
{% if lateronly %} (or {{ page.spdx-id }}-only
to disallow future versions){% endif %}{% if ofl %} (or {{ page.spdx-id }}-RFN
if a Reserved Font Name is specified after the copyright statement){% endif %} to your project’s package description, if applicable (e.g., Node.js, Ruby, and Rust). This will ensure the license is displayed in package directories.
If you would like your project to adopt the GPL-3.0’s cure provision, add the text of the GPL Cooperation Commitment to a file named COMMITMENT
in the same directory as your {{ page.spdx-id }} license file.