# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'license meta' do licenses.each do |license| # Manually load the raw license so we don't get the defaults raw_fields = SafeYAML.load_file("_licenses/#{license['spdx-lcase']}.txt") context "The #{license['title']} license" do it 'should only contain supported meta fields' do extra_fields = raw_fields.keys - (meta.map { |m| m['name'] }) expect(extra_fields).to be_empty end it 'should contain all required meta fields' do required = meta.select { |m| m['required'] }.map { |m| m['name'] } missing = required - raw_fields.keys expect(missing).to be_empty end examples = raw_fields['using'] || {} it 'using contains 3 examples' do legacy = [ 'afl-3.0', 'artistic-2.0', 'bsd-3-clause-clear', 'eupl-1.1', 'lgpl-2.1', 'lgpl-3.0', 'lppl-1.3c', 'ms-pl', 'ms-rl', 'wtfpl' ] skip 'added before 3 using examples required' if legacy.include?(license['slug']) expect(examples.length).to eq(3) end context 'licensee detects using examples' do slug = license['slug'] examples.each_value do |example_url| context "the #{example_url} URL" do let(:content) { OpenURI.open_uri(example_url).read } let(:detected) { Licensee::ProjectFiles::LicenseFile.new(content, 'LICENSE').license } if example_url.start_with?('https://github.com/') example_url.gsub!(%r{\Ahttps://github.com/([\w-]+/[\w.-]+)/blob/(\S+)\z}, 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/\1/\2') elsif example_url.start_with?('https://git.savannah.gnu.org/', 'https://git.gnome.org/', 'https://code.qt.io/') example_url.gsub!(%r{/tree/}, '/plain/') elsif example_url.start_with?('https://bitbucket.org/') example_url.gsub!(%r{/src/}, '/raw/') elsif example_url.start_with?('https://ohwr.org/') example_url.gsub!(%r{/blob/}, '/raw/') end it "is a #{slug} license" do skip 'hard to detect licenses' if %(ncsa postgresql vim).include?(slug) && detected.key == 'other' expect(detected.key).to eq(slug) end end end end end end end