title: ChooseALicense.com relative_permalinks: false markdown: redcarpet rules: required: include-copyright: description: Include a copy of the license and copyright notice with the code. label: License and copyright notice document-changes: description: Indicate significant changes made to the code. label: State Changes disclose-source: description: Source code must be made available when distributing the software. In the case of LGPL, the source for the library (and not the entire program) must be made available. label: Disclose Source library-usage: description: The library may be used within a non-open-source application. label: Library usage rename: description: You must change the name of the software if you modify it. label: Rename permitted: commercial-use: description: This software and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes. label: Commercial Use modifications: description: This software may be modified. label: Modification distribution: description: You may distribute this software. label: Distribution sublicense: description: You may grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties not included in the license. label: Sublicensing private-use: description: You may use and modify the software without distributing it. label: Private Use patent-grant: description: This license provides an express grant of patent rights from the contributor to the recipient. label: Patent Grant forbidden: trademark-use: description: While this may be implicitly true of all licenses, this license explicitly states that you may NOT use the names, logos, or trademarks of contributors. label: Use Trademark no-liability: description: Software is provided without warranty and the software author/license owner cannot be held liable for damages. label: Hold Liable no-sublicense: description: You may not grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties not included in the license. label: Sublicensing modifications: description: This software may not be modified. label: Modification distribution: description: You may not distribute this software. label: Distribution sublicense: description: You may not grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties not included in the license. label: Sublicensing