- primarily functional
- drop self-naming
- minimize requiring significant understanding of other licenses or
- should be excruciatingly bland for anyone who already knows the licenses
well; newcomers shouldn't have to deal with baggage immediately
Probably a few more words should be added to the xGPLv3s about their
stronger patent terms.
Licenses not listed on /licenses could be described in similar style.
and are structured
grant (permissions)
conditioned on (conditions)
with limitations
Permissions coming first combats mistaken but apparently widespread
impression that licenses impose conditions, even such that without
a license, there would be no conditions/work would be in the public
Requirements->Conditions emphasizes that they are pertinent if one
wants to take advantage of permissions.
Forbiddens->Limitations is more accurate: in most cases licenses
don't give permission to hold licensors liable, in some cases to
use licensors' trademarks or patents, but a licensee does not lose
the permissions granted by the license if the licensee holds licensor
liable, etc. Also emphasizes that there are limitatations on the
license grant, not that the license imposes prohibitions.
The most concise place to see both the rename and reorder is in
I did not reorder the appearance of the groups of properties in
license source files (.txt files in _licenses) as those orderings
are not used to render anything on the webiste. Might do so later.
Properties are now consistently sorted across all license files,
appearing in the following order: