diff --git a/appendix.md b/appendix.md
index ee56ffb..ca10cd8 100644
--- a/appendix.md
+++ b/appendix.md
@@ -72,9 +72,10 @@ If you're here to choose a license, **[start from the home page](/)** to see a f
Most open source licenses also have limitations that usually disclaim warranty and liability, and sometimes expressly exclude patents or trademarks from licenses' grants.
{% assign seen_tags = '' %}
{% for type in types %}
+### {% if type == "permissions" %}Permissions{% elsif type == "conditions" %}Conditions{% else %}Limitations{% endif %}
{% assign rules = site.data.rules[type] | sort: "label" %}
{% for rule_obj in rules %}
{% assign req = rule_obj.tag %}
@@ -92,5 +93,5 @@ If you're here to choose a license, **[start from the home page](/)** to see a f
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}