mirror of https://github.com/agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps synced 2025-03-03 06:42:16 +01:00
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2015-11-09 03:02:13 +01:00

Awesome CLI Apps Awesome

A curated list of command line apps.

Inspired by the awesome list thing.

Table of Contents



  • youtube-dl - a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and a few more sites. You can install with brew install youtube-dl

Web Development


  • mycli - A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.


  • doing - A command line tool for keeping track of what youre doing and tracking what youve done.
  • ffscreencast- ffmpeg screencast with video overlay and multi monitor support
  • idea- A lightweight CLI tool and module for keeping ideas in a safe place quick and easy.
  • imgur-uploader-cli- Upload images to imgur
  • geeknote- Console client for Evernote.
  • ledger - Powerful, double-entry accounting system that is accessed from the UNIX command-line.
  • Taskwarrior - Free and Open Source Software that manages your TODO list from your command line.
  • Timetrap- Simple command line timetracker



  • bundle-id-cli - Get bundle identifier from a bundle name (OS X): Safari → com.apple.Safari
  • bundle-name-cli - Get bundle name from a bundle identifier (OS X): com.apple.Safari → Safari
  • lnfs-cli - Safely force create symlinks
  • osx-version-cli - Get the OS X version of the current system
  • osx-wifi-cli - A cli for managing wifi connections on OSX

Command Line Tools

  • The Fuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
  • happyfinder - (another) Fuzzy file finder for the command line
  • tldr - Simplified and community-driven man pages

Data Manipulation

Directory Navigation


  • CLI GitHub - 📺 A fancy GitHub client for command line.- http://ionicabizau.net/blog/15
  • Gistup - Create a gist from terminal, then use git to update it.
  • git commander - A git tool with a easy terminal interface.
  • git-stats - 🍀 A GitHub-like contributions calendar, but locally, with all your git commits.
  • hub - A command-line wrapper for git that makes you better at GitHub.

Terminal Gif Creation

  • gifsicle - Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations
  • ttygif - Convert terminal recordings to animated gifs
  • ttygif - ttyrec to gif
  • ttystudio - A terminal-to-gif recorder minus the headaches.
  • asciinema - Terminal session recorder and the best companion of asciinema.org.

Text Manipulation

  • parse-columns-cli - Parse text columns, like the output of unix commands. Returns JSON that you can manipulate with tools like jq or underscore-cli.



  • cli-mandelbrot - A cli for traversing the Mandelbrot fractal
  • WOPR - A simple markup language for creating rich terminal reports, presentations and infographics


Some fine resources to write your own CLI App.

Node frameworks and packages

  • meow - The most simple way to write small CLI modules including argument parsing.
  • inquirer - A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces like checkboxes, radio buttons etc. with a simple but powerful API.
  • Vorpal - Complete solution for creating interactive apps. Includes UI features from inquirer.

Node Command-line utilities

  • Chalk - Beautiful API to have beautiful terminal string styling.
  • log-symbols - Colored symbols to differentiate output messages with a blink of an eye.
  • log-update Useful for ASCII animation. For example loading indicators.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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