diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index e3cb910..cbae39d 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. - [Theming and Customization](#theming-and-customization) - [Shell Utilities](#shell-utilities) - [System Interaction Utilities](#system-interaction-utilities) + - [Markdown](#markdown) - [Command Line Learning](#command-line-learning) - [Data Manipulation](#data-manipulation) - [Processors](#processors) @@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. - [File Managers](#file-managers) - [Deleting, Copying, and Renaming](#deleting-copying-and-renaming) - [Files](#files) + - [File Sync/Sharing](#file-syncsharing) - [Directory Listing](#directory-listing) - [Directory Navigation](#directory-navigation) - [Search](#search) @@ -141,7 +143,6 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. - [legit](https://github.com/captainsafia/legit) - Generate Open Source licences as files or file headers. - [mklicense](https://github.com/cezaraugusto/mklicense) - Create a custom LICENSE file painlessly with customized info. - [rebound](https://github.com/shobrook/rebound) - Fetch Stack Overflow results in your terminal when you get a compiler error. -- [grip](https://github.com/joeyespo/grip) - Preview markdown files with GitHub styles before committing them. - [bitwise](https://github.com/mellowcandle/bitwise) - Base conversion and bit manipulator in ncurses. - [foy](https://github.com/zaaack/foy) - Lightweight general purpose task runner/build tool. - [just](https://github.com/casey/just) - Modern `make`-like command runner. @@ -307,7 +308,6 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. - [carbon-now-cli](https://github.com/mixn/carbon-now-cli) - Generate beautiful images of your code. - [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org) - Password manager. - [awesome-finder](https://github.com/mingrammer/awesome-finder) - Search the awesome lists without a browser. -- [mdv](https://github.com/axiros/terminal_markdown_viewer) - Styled terminal markdown viewer. - [shallow-backup](https://github.com/alichtman/shallow-backup) - Git integrated backup tool. ### macOS @@ -374,6 +374,12 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. - [neofetch](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch) - System information tool. - [Glances](https://nicolargo.github.io/glances) - System monitoring tool. +### Markdown + +- [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc) - Generates table of contents for markdown files. +- [grip](https://github.com/joeyespo/grip) - Preview markdown files as GitHub would render them. +- [mdv](https://github.com/axiros/terminal_markdown_viewer) - Styled terminal markdown viewer. + ## Command Line Learning - [cmdchallenge](https://cmdchallenge.com/) - presents small shell challenge with user submitted solutions. @@ -415,7 +421,7 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. ### Text - [figlet](http://www.figlet.org/) - Creates large text out of ASCII characters. -- [stegcloak](https://github.com/kurolabs/stegcloak) - Hide secrets with invisible characters in plain text securely using passwords. +- [stegcloak](https://github.com/kurolabs/stegcloak) - Hide secrets with invisible characters in plain text securely. ## Files and Directories @@ -423,8 +429,7 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. - [ranger](https://github.com/ranger/ranger) - A console file manager with VI key bindings. - [midnight-commander](https://github.com/MidnightCommander/mc) - A feature rich visual file manager. -- [organize-cli](https://github.com/ManrajGrover/organize-cli) - Organize your files, imagine cleaning up your downloads in an instant. -- [Vifm](https://vifm.info/) - Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings/modes/options/commands/configuration, which also borrows some useful ideas from mutt. +- [Vifm](https://vifm.info/) - VI influnced file manager. - [nnn](https://github.com/jarun/nnn) - File browser and disk usage analyzer with excellent desktop integration. - [lf](https://github.com/gokcehan/lf) - Fast, extensively customizable file manager. - [fff](https://github.com/dylanaraps/fff) - Fast, simple file manager. @@ -435,25 +440,28 @@ Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. - [empty-trash-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/empty-trash-cli) - Empty the trash. - [del-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/del-cli) - Delete files and folders. - [cpy-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/cpy-cli) - Copies files. -- [rename-cli](https://github.com/jhotmann/node-rename-cli) - A cross-platform tool for renaming files quickly, especially multiple files at once. +- [rename-cli](https://github.com/jhotmann/node-rename-cli) - Renaming files quickly. - [renameutils](https://www.nongnu.org/renameutils) - Mass renaming in your editor. ### Files - [chokidar-cli](https://github.com/kimmobrunfeldt/chokidar-cli) - CLI to watch file system changes. - [file-type-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/file-type-cli) - Detect the file type of a file or stdin. -- [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc) - Generates table of contents for markdown files inside local git repository. Links are compatible with anchors generated by github or other sites. - [bat](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat) - A cat clone with syntax highlighting. - [NCDu](https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu) - A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. -- [unix-permissions](https://github.com/ehmicky/unix-permissions) - Swiss Army knife for Unix permissions -- [rclone](https://github.com/ncw/rclone) - Sync files to and from various cloud providers (Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive, etc.). +- [unix-permissions](https://github.com/ehmicky/unix-permissions) - Swiss Army knife for Unix permissions. - [transmission-cli](https://transmissionbt.com) - Torrent client for your command line. -- [ffsend](https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend) - Fully featured CLI for [Firefox Send](https://send.firefox.com/) - simple and private file sharing. - [webtorrent-cli](https://github.com/feross/webtorrent-cli) – Streaming torrent client. +- [entr](https://github.com/eradman/entr) - Run an arbitrary command when files change. +- [organize-cli](https://github.com/ManrajGrover/organize-cli) - Organize your files automatically. + +### File Sync/Sharing + +- [rclone](https://github.com/ncw/rclone) - Sync files with various cloud providers. +- [ffsend](https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend) - Quick file share. - [share-cli](https://github.com/marionebl/share-cli) - Share files with your local network. - [google-drive-upload](https://github.com/labbots/google-drive-upload) - Upload/sync with Google Drive. - [gdrive-downloader](https://github.com/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader) - Download files/folders from Google Drive. -- [entr](https://github.com/eradman/entr) - Run an arbitrary command when files change. ### Directory Listing