alpine-x86_64-glibc =================== This repository contains a dockerfile to add a `pre-built glibc`_ to an otherwise emtpy alpine container. This is necessary for some software that is shipped precompiled and linked against glibc only. `Alpine Linux`_ itself uses the much smaller and faster `musl libc`_ (which is also considered often as a more secure replacement for the glibc). Usage ----- To use this image you need the base alpine image (either from a registry, then you need to edit the Dockerfile, or -- preferred -- self-build as alpine-x86_64) and podman or docker installed. Then simply build the image based on the dockerfile: .. code:: shell podman build . -t alpine-glibc-x86_64:3.11.6_2.31-r0 The tag is a suggestion to include both the alpine and the glibc version. Author and Copying ------------------ This repository is authored by `Nils Freydank`_. You can use, modify and share this code under the terms of the MIT license (see the file COPYING-MIT for details). .. links .. _`pre-built glibc`: .. _`Alpine Linux`: .. _`musl libc`: .. _`podman`: .. _`Nils Freydank`:\ alpine\ podman