diff --git a/scoping_document.md b/scoping_document.md index 252f4a1..6c571e0 100644 --- a/scoping_document.md +++ b/scoping_document.md @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ The corresponding acceptance criteria supplement the specification of the requir | # of user story ID | User story | Acceptance criteria | |-----------------|------------|--------------------| | E06.01 | As an app user, I want to be able to scan a QR code provided by a medical professional or test center, so that I can receive my test result in the Corona-Warn-App. | 1. A QR code provided on a flyer from the medical professional or test center can be scanned with the Corona-Warn-App.
2. An explanatory text is displayed. | -| E06.02 | As an app user, I want to be notified within the Corona-Warn-App as soon as a test result becomes available. | 1. A notification merely informs you that there is news in the app. The test result itself can only be seen in the app.
2. The notification does not explicitly indicate whether the result is positive or negative. | +| E06.02 | As an app user, I want to be notified by the Corona-Warn-App as soon as a test result becomes available, so that I don't have to regularly call my medical professional or test center for updates and so that I'm informed immediately. | 1. A notification merely informs you that there is news in the app. The test result itself can only be seen in the app.
2. The notification does not explicitly indicate whether the result is positive or negative. | | E06.03 | As an app user, if I receive a positive test result, I want to be able to grant my consent to sending the pseudonymized IDs under which I was visible to other people in recent days to the Warn server, so that the people I have been in contact with can be warned by their apps. | 1. The IDs can be sent to the Warn server pseudonymized.
2. Data transmission is only possible if successfully verified beforehand. This is ensured by the verification server and the hotline for the phone TAN procedure.
3. Data transmission is only possible if the app user has granted consent beforehand. | | E06.04 | As an app user, I want to be able to use a manual process (in addition to the digital process), for example, through a call center and without a QR code, to send the pseudonymized IDs under which I was visible to other app users in recent days, to the Warn server, so that the people I have been in contact with can be warned by their apps. | 1. The center responsible can generate a TAN and provide it to the person. (The TAN is generated by a server, not the call center itself.) | | E06.05 | As an app user, I want to be able to enter a TAN in the app, so that I can use the TAN I have been given to assign my test result to my instance of the app. | 1. It is possible to enter a TAN within the app.
2. The app verifies the entered TAN and provides feedback as to whether it was correct (must be checked whether technically possible). |