/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Olaf Landsiedel * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SYNC_ADV_INTERVAL_MS (60*1000) #define SYNC_ADV_DURATION_MS 500 #define SYNC_CONN_INIT_WAIT_MS 250 K_TIMER_DEFINE(sync_adv_timer, NULL, NULL); int sync_service_init(void) { // We init the timers (which should run periodically!) // we directly want to advertise ourselfs after the start -> should reduce unwanted delays k_timer_start(&sync_adv_timer, K_NO_WAIT, K_MSEC(SYNC_ADV_INTERVAL_MS)); return 0; } void sync_service_handle_connection() { // TODO: Implement me! } uint32_t sync_service_run(void) { if (k_timer_status_get(&sync_adv_timer) > 0) { // TODO: START ADVERTISEMENTS //printk("Advertising Sync service...!\n"); k_sleep(K_MSEC(SYNC_ADV_DURATION_MS)); // TODO: STOP ADVERTISEMENTS } // TODO: CHECK IF A CONNECTION HAPPENED UNTIL NOW if so -> handle it! // we return the timer time so that main can sleep return k_timer_remaining_get(&sync_adv_timer); }