Import("env", "projenv") from os.path import isdir, join try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser()"platformio.ini") boot_hex_file = None if 'PIOENV' in projenv: cur_env = "env:" + projenv['PIOENV'] if config.has_section(cur_env) and config.has_option(cur_env, "boot_hex_file"): boot_hex_file = config.get(cur_env, "boot_hex_file") # access to global build environment print("Using boot hex file: " + str(boot_hex_file)) def _jlink_cmd_script_overwrite(env, source): build_dir = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR") if not isdir(build_dir): makedirs(build_dir) script_path = join(build_dir, "upload.jlink") commands = [ "h" ] commands.append("loadfile %s" % (boot_hex_file)) commands.append("loadfile %s" % (source)) commands.append("r") commands.append("q") with open(script_path, "w") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(commands)) print(script_path) return script_path def before_upload(source, target, env): env.Replace(__jlink_cmd_script=_jlink_cmd_script_overwrite) env.AddPreAction("upload", before_upload)