/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Olaf Landsiedel * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #ifndef CONTACTS_H #define CONTACTS_H #include #include #include "covid.h" #include "covid_types.h" #include "ens/storage.h" #include "exposure-notification.h" typedef struct { ENIntervalIdentifier interval_identifier; int infected; time_t search_start; time_t search_end; } __packed infected_for_interval_ident_ctx_t; typedef struct { ENPeriodKey periodKey; time_t start; int met; } __packed period_key_information_t; typedef int (*test_func_t)(infected_for_interval_ident_ctx_t* infectedIntervals, int count); void print_key(_ENBaseKey* key); void print_rpi(rolling_proximity_identifier_t* rpi); void print_aem(associated_encrypted_metadata_t* aem); /** * Register a new record in the system. This includes adding it to the storage and adding it to the bloom filter. * * @param record record to add * @returns 0 in case of success, -ERRNO in case of an error */ int register_record(record_t* record); /** * Initialize the contacts module. */ int init_contacts(); /** * Check for a list of specified interval identifiers, whether they were probably met or not. * @param ctx list of interval identifiers to check * @param count amount of identifiers to check * @return the amount of met intervals, -ERRNO on error */ int check_possible_contacts_for_intervals(infected_for_interval_ident_ctx_t* ctx, int count); /** * Check for a list of specified period keys, whether they were probably met or not. * @param ctx list of period keys and their meta information to check * @param count amount of period keys to check * @return -ERRNO on error, 0 otherwise */ int check_possible_contacts_for_periods(period_key_information_t periodKeyInformation[], int count); #endif