mirror of https://github.com/CovidBraceletPrj/CovidBracelet.git synced 2025-03-20 06:30:09 +01:00

Remove unneeded text file

This commit is contained in:
H1ghBre4k3r 2021-04-28 23:02:35 +02:00 committed by Patrick Rathje
parent 534a61c471
commit c428971599

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
// ens_fs_t fs;
// int rc = ens_fs_init(&fs, FLASH_AREA_ID(storage), sizeof(uint32_t));
// if(rc) {
// printk("FS init err %d\n", rc);
// }
// printk("Size: %d\n", fs.area->fa_size);
// rc = ens_fs_page_erase(&fs, 0, 1);
// if(rc) {
// printk("Erase err %d\n", rc);
// }
// uint32_t test;
// rc = ens_fs_read(&fs, 0, &test);
// if(rc) {
// printk("1 read error %d\n", rc);
// }
// printk("test: %ul\n", test);
// test = 6;
// rc = ens_fs_write(&fs, 0, &test);
// if(rc) {
// printk("1 write error %d\n", rc);
// }
// rc = ens_fs_read(&fs, 0, &test);
// if(rc) {
// printk("2 read error %d\n", rc);
// }
// printk("test: %ul\n", test);
// test = 5;
// rc = ens_fs_write(&fs, 0, &test);
// if(rc) {
// printk("2 write error %d\n", rc);
// }
// rc = ens_fs_read(&fs, 0, &test);
// if(rc) {
// printk("3 read error %d\n", rc);
// }
// printk("test: %ul\n", test);
// printf("\n" FLASH_NAME " SPI flash testing\n");
// printf("==========================\n");
// const struct device* flash_dev = device_get_binding(FLASH_DEVICE);
// if (!flash_dev) {
// printf("SPI flash driver %s was not found!\n", FLASH_DEVICE);
// return;
// }
// /* Write protection needs to be disabled before each write or
// * erase, since the flash component turns on write protection
// * automatically after completion of write and erase
// * operations.
// */
// // printf("\nTest 1: Flash erase\n");
// // flash_write_protection_set(flash_dev, false);
// // rc = flash_erase(flash_dev, FLASH_TEST_REGION_OFFSET, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
// // if (rc != 0) {
// // printf("Flash erase failed! %d\n", rc);
// // } else {
// // printf("Flash erase succeeded!\n");
// // }
// printf("\nTest 2: Flash write\n");
// printk("pages: %d\n", flash_get_page_count(flash_dev));
// uint32_t offset = FLASH_AREA_OFFSET(storage);
// struct flash_pages_info info;
// flash_get_page_info_by_offs(flash_dev, offset, &info);
// printk("page_size: %d\n", info.size);
// flash_write_protection_set(flash_dev, false);
// if(flash_erase(flash_dev, offset, info.size)) {
// printk("erase err\n");
// }
// uint8_t test;
// flash_read(flash_dev, offset, &test, sizeof(test));
// printk("Test: %u\n", test);
// test = 6;
// flash_write_protection_set(flash_dev, false);
// flash_write(flash_dev, offset, &test, sizeof(test));
// flash_read(flash_dev, offset, &test, sizeof(test));
// printk("Test: %u\n", test);
// test = 5;
// flash_write_protection_set(flash_dev, false);
// flash_write(flash_dev, offset, &test, sizeof(test));
// flash_read(flash_dev, offset, &test, sizeof(test));
// printk("Test: %u\n", test);
// uint32_t start_time = k_cycle_get_32();
// for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// contact_t contact;
// contact.cnt = i;
// flash_write_protection_set(flash_dev, false);
// if(flash_write(flash_dev, offset + i * 32, &contact, sizeof(contact))) {
// printk("write err\n");
// }
// // if(flash_read(flash_dev, offset + i * 32, &contact, sizeof(contact))) {
// // printk("read err\n");
// // }
// // printk("round: %d, contact: %d, len: %d\n", i, contact.cnt, sizeof(contact));
// }
// uint64_t nanoseconds_spent = k_cyc_to_ms_floor64(k_cycle_get_32() - start_time);
// printk("adding 100 contacts %llu ms\n", nanoseconds_spent);
// printk("average: %llu\n", nanoseconds_spent / 100);
// start_time = k_cycle_get_32();
// for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// contact_t contact;
// if(flash_read(flash_dev, offset + i * 32, &contact, sizeof(contact))) {
// printk("read err\n");
// }
// if(contact.cnt != i) {
// printk("Expected does not match!\n");
// }
// // printk("round: %d, contact: %d, len: %d\n", i, contact.cnt, sizeof(contact));
// }
// nanoseconds_spent = k_cyc_to_ms_floor64(k_cycle_get_32() - start_time);
// printk("loading 100 contacts %llu ms\n", nanoseconds_spent);
// printk("average: %llu\n", nanoseconds_spent / 100);
// for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// memset(&expected, 0, len);
// expected.cnt = i;
// flash_write_protection_set(flash_dev, false);
// rc = flash_erase(flash_dev, FLASH_TEST_REGION_OFFSET, len);
// if (rc != 0) {
// printf("Flash erase failed! %d\n", rc);
// } else {
// printf("Flash erase succeeded!\n");
// }
// flash_write_protection_set(flash_dev, false);
// rc = flash_write(flash_dev, FLASH_TEST_REGION_OFFSET, &expected, len);
// if (rc != 0) {
// printf("Flash write failed! %d\n", rc);
// return;
// }
// memset(&buf, 0, len);
// rc = flash_read(flash_dev, FLASH_TEST_REGION_OFFSET, &buf, len);
// if (rc != 0) {
// printf("Flash read failed! %d\n", rc);
// return;
// }
// if (memcmp(&expected, &buf, len) == 0) {
// printf("Data read matches data written. Good!!\n");
// } else {
// // const uint8_t* wp = &expected;
// // const uint8_t* rp = &buf;
// // const uint8_t* rpe = rp + len;
// printf("Data read does not match data written!!\n");
// // while (rp < rpe) {
// // printf("%08x wrote %02x read %02x %s\n", (uint32_t)(FLASH_TEST_REGION_OFFSET + (rp - buf)), *wp, *rp,
// // (*rp == *wp) ? "match" : "MISMATCH");
// // ++rp;
// // ++wp;
// // }
// }
// }
// const struct flash_area *area;
// err = flash_area_open(FLASH_AREA_ID(storage), &area);
// if(err) {
// printk("Error during flash_area_open (err %d)\n", err);
// }
// const struct device* dev = device_get_binding(area->fa_dev_name);
// printk("write block size: %d\n", flash_get_write_block_size(dev));
// uint32_t start_time = k_cycle_get_32();
// uint32_t test;
// for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// test = i;
// flash_write_protection_set(dev, false);
// int rc = flash_write(dev, area->fa_off + i * sizeof(test), &test, sizeof(test));
// if(rc) {
// printk("Run %d, err %d\n", i, rc);
// }
// // contact.cnt = 0;
// flash_write_protection_set(dev, false);
// rc = flash_read(dev, area->fa_off + i * sizeof(test), &test, sizeof(test));
// if(rc) {
// printk("Run %d, err %d\n", i, rc);
// }
// printk("Round: %d, test: %d, size: %d\n", i, test, sizeof(test));
// }
// uint64_t nanoseconds_spent = k_cyc_to_ms_floor64(k_cycle_get_32() - start_time);
// printk("adding 100 contacts %llu ms\n", nanoseconds_spent);
// printk("average: %llu\n", nanoseconds_spent / 100);
// start_time = k_cycle_get_32();
// for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// contact_t contact;
// int rc = flash_read(dev, i * 32, &contact, sizeof(contact));
// if(rc) {
// printk("Run %d, err %d\n", i, rc);
// }
// }
// nanoseconds_spent = k_cyc_to_ms_floor64(k_cycle_get_32() - start_time);
// printk("loading 100 contacts %llu ms\n", nanoseconds_spent);
// printk("average: %llu\n", nanoseconds_spent / 100);