mirror of https://github.com/SMFSW/cI2C synced 2024-06-10 12:59:53 +02:00

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/*!\file ci2c.h
** \author SMFSW
** \copyright MIT SMFSW (2017)
** \brief arduino i2c in plain c declarations
** \warning Don't access (r/w) last 16b internal address byte alone right after init, this would lead to hazardous result (in such case, make a dummy read of addr 0 before)
#ifndef __CI2C_H__
#define __CI2C_H__
#if defined(DOXY)
// Define gcc __attribute__ as void when Doxygen runs
#define __attribute__(a) //!< GCC attribute (ignored by Doxygen)
#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define DEF_CI2C_NB_RETRIES 3 //!< Default cI2C transaction retries
#define DEF_CI2C_TIMEOUT 100 //!< Default cI2C timeout
/*!\enum enI2C_RW
** \brief I2C RW bit enumeration
** \attribute packed enum
typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) enI2C_RW {
I2C_WRITE = 0, //!< I2C rw bit (write)
I2C_READ //!< I2C rw bit (read)
} I2C_RW;
/*!\enum enI2C_SPEED
** \brief I2C bus speed
** \attribute packed enum
typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) enI2C_SPEED {
I2C_STD = 100, //!< I2C Standard (100KHz)
I2C_FM = 400, //!< I2C Fast Mode (400KHz)
I2C_FMP = 1000, //!< I2C Fast mode + (1MHz): will set speed to Fast Mode (up to 400KHz on avr)
I2C_HS = 3400 //!< I2C High Speed (3.4MHz): will set speed to Fast Mode (up to 400KHz on avr)
/*!\enum enI2C_STATUS
** \brief I2C slave status
** \attribute packed enum
typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) enI2C_STATUS {
I2C_OK = 0x00, //!< I2C OK
I2C_BUSY, //!< I2C Bus busy
I2C_NACK //!< I2C Not Acknowledge
/*!\enum enI2C_INT_SIZE
** \brief I2C slave internal address registers size
** \attribute packed enum
typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) enI2C_INT_SIZE {
I2C_NO_REG = 0x00, //!< Internal address registers not applicable for slave
I2C_8B_REG, //!< Slave internal address registers space is 8bits wide
I2C_16B_REG //!< Slave internal address registers space is 16bits wide
typedef bool (*ci2c_fct_ptr) (void*, const uint16_t, uint8_t*, const uint16_t); //!< i2c read/write function pointer typedef
/*!\struct StructI2CSlave
** \brief ci2c slave config and control parameters
** \attribute packed struct
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) StructI2CSlave {
/*!\struct cfg
** \brief ci2c slave parameters
struct {
uint8_t addr; //!< Slave address
I2C_INT_SIZE reg_size; //!< Slave internal registers size
ci2c_fct_ptr wr; //!< Slave write function pointer
ci2c_fct_ptr rd; //!< Slave read function pointer
} cfg;
uint16_t reg_addr; //!< Internal current register address
I2C_STATUS status; //!< Status of the last communications
/*!\brief Init an I2C slave structure for cMI2C communication
** \param [in] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure to init
** \param [in] sl_addr - I2C slave address
** \param [in] reg_sz - internal register map size
** \return nothing
void I2C_slave_init(I2C_SLAVE * slave, const uint8_t sl_addr, const I2C_INT_SIZE reg_sz);
/*!\brief Redirect slave I2C read/write function (if needed for advanced use)
** \param [in] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure to init
** \param [in] func - pointer to read/write function to affect
** \param [in] rw - 0 = write function, 1 = read function
** \return nothing
void I2C_slave_set_rw_func(I2C_SLAVE * slave, const ci2c_fct_ptr func, const I2C_RW rw);
/*!\brief Change I2C slave address
** \param [in, out] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure to init
** \param [in] sl_addr - I2C slave address
** \return true if new address set (false if address is >7Fh)
bool I2C_slave_set_addr(I2C_SLAVE * slave, const uint8_t sl_addr);
/*!\brief Change I2C registers map size (for access)
** \param [in, out] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \param [in] reg_sz - internal register map size
** \return true if new size is correct (false otherwise and set to 16bit by default)
bool I2C_slave_set_reg_size(I2C_SLAVE * slave, const I2C_INT_SIZE reg_sz);
/*!\brief Get I2C slave address
** \attribute inline
** \param [in] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \return I2C slave address
inline uint8_t __attribute__((__always_inline__)) I2C_slave_get_addr(const I2C_SLAVE * slave) {
return slave->cfg.addr; }
/*!\brief Get I2C register map size (for access)
** \attribute inline
** \param [in] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \return register map using 16bits if true (1Byte otherwise)
inline bool __attribute__((__always_inline__)) I2C_slave_get_reg_size(const I2C_SLAVE * slave) {
return slave->cfg.reg_size; }
/*!\brief Get I2C current register address (addr may passed this way in procedures if contigous accesses)
** \attribute inline
** \param [in] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \return current register map address
inline uint16_t __attribute__((__always_inline__)) I2C_slave_get_reg_addr(const I2C_SLAVE * slave) {
return slave->reg_addr; }
/*!\brief Enable I2c module on arduino board (including pull-ups,
* enabling of ACK, and setting clock frequency)
** \param [in] speed - I2C bus speed in KHz
** \return nothing
void I2C_init(const uint16_t speed);
/*!\brief Disable I2c module on arduino board (releasing pull-ups, and TWI control)
** \return nothing
void I2C_uninit();
/*!\brief Change I2C frequency
** \param [in] speed - I2C bus speed in KHz (max 400KHz on AVR)
** \return Configured bus speed
uint16_t I2C_set_speed(const uint16_t speed);
/*!\brief Change I2C ack timeout
** \param [in] timeout - I2C ack timeout (500 ms max)
** \return Configured timeout
uint16_t I2C_set_timeout(const uint16_t timeout);
/*!\brief Change I2C message retries (in case of failure)
** \param [in] retries - I2C number of retries (max of 8)
** \return Configured number of retries
uint8_t I2C_set_retries(const uint8_t retries);
/*!\brief Get I2C busy status
** \return true if busy
bool I2C_is_busy(void);
/*!\brief This function writes the provided data to the address specified.
** \param [in, out] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \param [in] reg_addr - register address in register map
** \param [in] data - pointer to the first byte of a block of data to write
** \param [in] bytes - indicates how many bytes of data to write
** \return I2C_STATUS status of write attempt
I2C_STATUS I2C_write(I2C_SLAVE * slave, const uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t * data, const uint16_t bytes);
/*!\brief This inline is a wrapper to I2C_write in case of contigous operations
** \attribute inline
** \param [in, out] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \param [in] data - pointer to the first byte of a block of data to write
** \param [in] bytes - indicates how many bytes of data to write
** \return I2C_STATUS status of write attempt
inline I2C_STATUS __attribute__((__always_inline__)) I2C_write_next(I2C_SLAVE * slave, uint8_t * data, const uint16_t bytes) {
return I2C_write(slave, slave->reg_addr, data, bytes); }
/*!\brief This function reads data from the address specified and stores this
* data in the area provided by the pointer.
** \param [in, out] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \param [in] reg_addr - register address in register map
** \param [in, out] data - pointer to the first byte of a block of data to read
** \param [in] bytes - indicates how many bytes of data to read
** \return I2C_STATUS status of read attempt
I2C_STATUS I2C_read(I2C_SLAVE * slave, const uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t * data, const uint16_t bytes);
/*!\brief This inline is a wrapper to I2C_read in case of contigous operations
** \attribute inline
** \param [in, out] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \param [in] data - pointer to the first byte of a block of data to read
** \param [in] bytes - indicates how many bytes of data to read
** \return I2C_STATUS status of read attempt
inline I2C_STATUS __attribute__((__always_inline__)) I2C_read_next(I2C_SLAVE * slave, uint8_t * data, const uint16_t bytes) {
return I2C_read(slave, slave->reg_addr, data, bytes); }
/*!\brief I2C bus reset (Release SCL and SDA lines and re-enable module)
** \return nothing
void I2C_reset(void);
/*!\brief Send start condition
** \return true if start condition acknowledged (false otherwise)
bool I2C_start(void);
/*!\brief Send stop condition
** \return true if stop condition acknowledged (false otherwise)
bool I2C_stop(void);
/*!\brief Send byte on bus
** \param [in] dat - data to be sent
** \return true if data sent acknowledged (false otherwise)
bool I2C_wr8(const uint8_t dat);
/*!\brief Receive byte from bus
** \param [in] ack - true if wait for ack
** \return true if data reception acknowledged (false otherwise)
uint8_t I2C_rd8(const bool ack);
/*!\brief Send I2C address
** \param [in] slave - pointer to the I2C slave structure
** \param [in] rw - read/write transaction
** \return true if I2C chip address sent acknowledged (false otherwise)
bool I2C_sndAddr(I2C_SLAVE * slave, const I2C_RW rw);
#ifdef __cplusplus