#!/bin/bash #set -x default_path=".." tests_list=`find . -name '*.c' | sed -e 's#^\./\(.*\)#\1#' | sort` prog_name=`basename $0` # counts: # - tests that have not been converted to test-suite format # - tests that passed # - tests that failed # - tests that failed but are known to fail unhandled_tests=0 ok_tests=0 ko_tests=0 known_ko_tests=0 # defaults to not verbose [ -z "$V" ] && V=0 ## # get_value(key, file) - gets the value of a (key, value) pair in file. # # returns 0 on success, 1 if the file does not have the key get_value() { last_result=`grep $1: $2 | sed -e "s/^.*$1:\(.*\)$/\1/"` [ -z "$last_result" ] && return 1 return 0 } ## # get_tag(key, file) - does file has the tag key in it ? # # returns 0 if present, 1 otherwise get_tag() { last_result=`grep $1 $2` return $? } ## # verbose(string) - prints string if we are in verbose mode verbose() { [ "$V" -eq "1" ] && echo " $1" return 0 } ## # error(string[, die]) - prints an error and exits with value die if given error() { echo " error: $1" [ -n "$2" ] && exit $2 return 0 } do_usage() { echo "$prog_name - a tiny automatic testing script" echo "Usage: $prog_name [command] [command arguments]" echo echo "commands:" echo " none runs the whole test suite" echo " single file runs the test in 'file'" echo echo " help prints usage" } ## # do_test(file) - tries to validate a test case # # it "parses" file, looking for check-* tags and tries to validate # the test against an expected result # returns: # - 0 if the test passed, # - 1 if it failed, # - 2 if it is not a "test-suite" test. do_test() { test_failed=0 file="$1" # can this test be handled by test-suite ? # (it has to have a check-name key in it) get_value "check-name" $file if [ "$?" -eq 1 ]; then echo "warning: test '$file' unhandled" unhandled_tests=`expr $unhandled_tests + 1` return 2 fi test_name=$last_result echo -n "TEST $test_name ($file)" cp HEADER "$file".tex get_value compiler-opts "$file" echo "\avrloadc[-Os -mmcu=atmega8 $last_result]{$file}" >> "$file".tex awk '/check-start/,/check-end/ {print}' $file \ | egrep -v 'check-(start|end)' >> "$file".tex cat FOOTER >> "$file".tex # grab the actual output & exit value pdflatex -halt-on-error -shell-escape "$file".tex 1> $file.output 2> $file.error actual_exit_value=$? rm -f *.log *.aux *.pdf if [ "$actual_exit_value" -ne 0 ]; then echo error " Actual exit value does not match the expected one." error " expected 0, got $actual_exit_value" if [ x"$V" = x"1" ]; then cat $file.output | sed 's/^/ /' else tail -n 10 $file.output | sed 's/^/ /' fi test_failed=1 else get_value BREAK "$file".output echo " ($last_result)" | sed 's/ instructions//' | tr -d "\n" echo fi if [ "$test_failed" -eq "1" ]; then ko_tests=`expr $ko_tests + 1` get_tag "check-known-to-fail" $file if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then echo "info: test '$file' is known to fail" known_ko_tests=`expr $known_ko_tests + 1` fi return 1 else ok_tests=`expr $ok_tests + 1` return 0 fi } pwait() { # This functions blocks until less than $1 subprocesses are running jobs="$1" [ -z "$jobs" ] && jobs=5 while [ $(jobs -r | wc -l) -gt "$jobs" ]; do sleep 0.5 done } do_test_suite() { for i in $tests_list; do do_test "$i" done # prints some numbers tests_nr=`expr $ok_tests + $ko_tests` echo -n "Out of $tests_nr tests, $ok_tests passed, $ko_tests failed" echo " ($known_ko_tests of them are known to fail)" if [ "$unhandled_tests" -ne "0" ]; then echo "$unhandled_tests tests could not be handled by $prog_name" fi } ## # arg_file(filename) - checks if filename exists arg_file() { [ -z "$1" ] && { do_usage exit 1 } [ -e "$1" ] || { error "Can't open file $1" exit 1 } return 0 } case "$1" in '') do_test_suite if test `expr $ko_tests - $known_ko_tests` -gt 0; then for f in *.error.diff *.output.diff; do if test -s "$f"; then echo "Contents of $f:" cat "$f" echo "===" fi done exit 1 fi ;; single) arg_file "$2" do_test "$2" case "$?" in 0) echo "$2 passed !";; 1) echo "$2 failed !";; 2) echo "$2 can't be handled by $prog_name";; esac ;; format) arg_file "$2" do_format "$2" "$3" "$4" ;; help | *) do_usage exit 1 ;; esac exit 0