\documentclass{article} \usepackage{avremu} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \usepackage{ydoc} \def\fileversion{v0.1} \def\filedate{2014/10/09} \makeatletter \def\cmd#1{\cs{\expandafter\cmd@to@cs\string#1}} \def\cmd@to@cs#1#2{\char\number`#2\relax} \DeclareRobustCommand\cs[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \makeatother \begin{filecontents*}{hello-world.c} #include int main(void) { char *str = "Hello World!"; char *p = str; while (*p) { UDR = *p++; } asm volatile ("break;"); } \end{filecontents*} \title{The \texttt{avremu} Package} \author{Christian Dietrich\\ \url{stettberger@dokucode.de}\\ \url{https://gitlab.brokenpipe.de/stettberger/avr_tex}} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{tcolorbox} \lstinputlisting[language=C]{hello-world.c} \tcblower \begin{lstlisting}[language=TeX] \avrloadc{hello-world.c} \avrrun UDR='\avrUDR' in \avrinstrcount\ instructions \end{lstlisting} \end{tcolorbox} \begin{tcolorbox} \avrloadc{hello-world.c}\avrrun UDR='\avrUDR' in \avrinstrcount\ instructions \end{tcolorbox} \LaTeX\ is known as a typesetting system. But the underlying \TeX\ system is a powerful macro processor. In fact, TeX is a Turing-complete programming language. \TeX\ can compute anything that is computable. Computeability is a concept from theoretical computer science. After visiting a theoretical computer-science course, you will know that there are things that cannot be solved by a machine. Never. Look out for the halting problem. This package does contain an \emph{CPU emulator} for the 8-bit microcontroller platform Atmel AVR, more precisely it implements the instruction-set architecture of the \texttt{ATmega8}. \section{Provided Commands} \DescribeMacro{\avrloadihex}{\meta{filename}} Load an Intel HEX formatted image of the flash into the code memory of the AVR emulator. Additionally the state of the AVR emulator is set back to zero. \DescribeMacro{\avrloadc}[\meta{compiler options}]{\meta{filename}} Requires \verb|--shell-escape|. Compiles C source code file with \verb|avr-gcc| and the given compiler options. The default compiler option set is \verb|-mmcu=atmega8 -Os|. The resulting \texttt{.elf} file is transformed to an Intel HEX file and loaded into the code memory of the emulator. \DescribeMacro{\avrrun} Run the emulator until a \textbf{break} instruction occurs. \DescribeMacro{\avrstep}[\meta{steps}=1] Run the emulator for N instructions. The default is a single step. The stepping does automatically end, if a \textbf{break} instruction is executed. \DescribeMacro{\avrinstrcount} Expands to the number of executed instructions. \DescribeMacro{\avrsinglestep} Starts an interactive single-stepping mode, which was mainly used for implementing the emulator. \DescribeMacro{\usravremulibrary}{\meta{list of libraryies}} \subsection{Access to the Serial Console} If the program write to the \verb|UDR| IO register, the emulator catched those characters in an internal buffer. \DescribeMacro{\avrUDR} Expands to the internal UDR buffer. \DescribeMacro{\avrUDRclear} Clears the internal UDR buffer. \subsection{Draw Library} \DescribeMacro{\useavremulibrary}{avr.draw} See source/test-suite/mandelbrot.c for more details. \section{Implementation Details} Read the source. \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: