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2011-10-12 00:04:57 +03:00

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* Low resolution implementation of timer using a 8 bit clock with prescaler,
* etc. Clicks approximately every millisecond. Microseconds are not available,
* and any queries to the function will just return milliseconds * 1000.
* You can use this file when you don't need high resolution timing, and don't care
* about slight clock drift, inaccuracy, etc. For timing most human-related activities,
* though, it should be more than sufficient.
#include "timer.h"
static volatile uint64_t _timer_millis;
* Initializes the timer, and resets the timer count to 0. Sets up the ISRs
* linked with timer0.
void timer_init(){
//Set up the timer to run at F_CPU / 256, in normal mode (we reset TCNT0 in the ISR)
TCCR0A = 0x0;
TCCR0B |= _BV(CS02);
//Set compare value to be F_CPU / 1000 -- fire interrupt every millisecond
OCR0A = F_CPU / 256 / 1000;
//Enable compare interrupt
//Reset count variables
_timer_millis = 0;
//Enable interrupts if the NO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE define is not set. If it is, you need to call sei() elsewhere.
DDRB = 0xFF;
* Returns the number of milliseconds which have elapsed since the
* last time timer_init() was called. Overflows after about 49 days.
uint64_t timer_millis(){
return _timer_millis;
* Returns the number of microseconds which have elapsed since the
* last time timer_init() was called. Overflows after about 71 minutes.
uint64_t timer_micros(){
return (_timer_millis * 1000);
* The ISR for timer0 overflow. Increment the _timer_count here, and do the calculcations
* to increment _timer_millis as needed.
TCNT0 = 0;