--- title: Monash Beamer Class Demonstration author: Rob J Hyndman date: \today classoption: compress toc: true output: binb::monash --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, cache=TRUE, dev.args=list(bg=grey(0.9), pointsize=11)) ``` # Intro ## Slide with bullets - Bullet 1 - Bullet 2 - Bullet 3 Use `\alert` to \alert{highlight} some text ### Some enumeration 1. The first item 1. Stuff 1. Nonsense # Using R ## Slide with R output ```{r cars, echo = TRUE} summary(cars) ``` ## Slide with graphics ```{r pressure} plot(pressure) ``` ## Slide with mathematics Quantile score for observation $y$. For $0