--- author: Ista Zahn and Gary King classoption: compress fontsize: 12pt title: IQSS Beamer Class Demonstration date: \today institute: IQSS output: binb::iqss vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{binb IQSS Demo} %\VignetteKeywords{binb,vignette} %\VignettePackage{binb} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- # Beamer Features ## Some of Gary's Examples ### What's this course about? ::: incremental - \alert{Specific statistical methods for many research problems} - How to learn (or create) new methods - Inference: \underline{Using facts you know to learn about facts you don't know} - \alert{How to write a publishable scholarly paper} - \alert{All the practical tools of research} --- theory, applications, simulation, programming, word processing, plumbing, whatever is useful - $\leadsto$ \alert{Outline and class materials:} - \mbox{{\huge\parbox[b][.5in][t]{1in}{\alert{j.mp/G2001}}} $\qquad\qquad$\includegraphics[width=.95in]{iqss/phbAr.png}} - The syllabus gives topics, not a weekly plan. - We will go as fast as possible subject to everyone following along - We cover different amounts of material each week ::: ### How much math will you scare us with? - All math requires two parts: \alertb{proof} and \alertb{concepts \& intuition} - Different classes emphasize: - \alert{Baby Stats}: dumbed down proofs, vague intuition - \alert{Math Stats}: rigorous mathematical proofs - \alert{\underline{Practical Stats}}: deep concepts and intuition, proofs when needed - Goal: how to do empirical research, in depth - Use rigorous statistical theory --- when needed - Insure we understand the intuition --- always - Always traverse from theoretical foundations to practical applications - Includes ``how to'' computation - $\leadsto$ Fewer proofs, more concepts, better practical knowledge - Do you have the background for this class? . . . \alert{A Test: What's this? \begin{align*} b=(X'X)^{-1}X'y \end{align*} } ### Systematic Components: Examples \includegraphics[width=8cm]{iqss/functionalForms} - \alertb{$E(Y_i) \equiv \mu_i = X_i\beta = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_{1i} +\dots+\beta_kX_{ki}$} - \alertc{$\Pr(Y_i=1) \equiv \pi_i = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i\beta}}$} - \alertd{$V(Y_i)\equiv \sigma_i^2 = e^{x_i\beta}$} - Interpretation: - Each is a \alert{class of functional forms} - Set $\beta$ and it picks out one \alert{member of the class} - \alert{$\beta$} in each is an ``effect parameter'' vector, with different meaning ### Negative Binomial Derivation \uncover<+->{Recall:} \begin{equation*} \uncover<+->{\Pr(A|B)=\frac{\Pr(AB)}{\Pr(B)} \implies \alertb{\Pr(AB)}=\alerte{\Pr(A|B)}\alertd{\Pr(B)}} \end{equation*} \alertb<1-1>{one} \alertc<2-2>{two} \alertd<3-3>{three} \begin{align*} \uncover<+->{\text{NegBin}(y|\phi,\sigma^2) &= \int_0^\infty \alerte{\text{Poisson}(y|\lambda)} \times\alertd{\text{gamma}(\lambda|\phi,\sigma^2)}d\lambda\\} \uncover<+->{&= \int_0^\infty \alertb{\P(y,\lambda|\phi,\sigma^2) }d\lambda\\} \uncover<+->{&= \frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{\phi}{\sigma^2-1}+y_i\right)} {y_i!\Gamma\left(\frac{\phi}{\sigma^2-1}\right)} \left(\frac{\sigma^2-1}{\sigma^2}\right)^{y_i} \left(\sigma^2\right)^{\frac{-\phi}{\sigma^2-1}}} \end{align*} # Other Features ## Structural Features ### Structural Features #### Levels of Structure - usual \LaTeX\ \textbackslash\ section, \textbackslash\ subsection commands - `frame` environments provide slides - `block` environments divide slides into logical sections - `columns` environments divide slides vertically (example later) - overlays (\`a la prosper) change content of slides dynamically #### \alertc{Overlay Alerts} On the first overlay, \alert<1>{this text} is highlighted (or \emph{alerted}). On the second, \alert<2>{this text} is. ### Code blocks \footnotesize ```r # Say hello in R hello <- function(name) paste("hello", name) ``` . . . ```python # Say hello in Python def hello(name): return("Hello" + " " + name) ``` . . . ```haskell -- Say hello in Haskell hello name = "Hello" ++ " " ++ name ``` . . . ```c /* Say hello in C */ #include int main() { char name[256]; fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin); printf("Hello %s", name); return(0); } ``` \normalsize ### Alerts - First level \alert{alert} - Second level \alertb{alert} - Third level \alertc{alert} - Fourth level \alertd{alert} - Fifth level \alerte{alert} # More Features ## Blocks ### Other Features #### Levels of Structure - Clean, extensively customizable visual style - Hyperlinks ([http://github.com/izahn/iqss-beamer-theme](click here_) - No weird scaling prosper - slides are 96~mm~$\times$~128~mm - text is 10-12pt on slide - slide itself magnified with Adobe Reader/xpdf/gv to fill screen - pgf graphics framework easy to use - include external JPEG/PNG/PDF figures - output directly to pdf: no PostScript hurdles - detailed User's Manual (with good presentation advice, too) ### Theorems and Proofs \framesubtitle{The proof uses \textit{reductio ad absurdum}.} #### Theorem There is no largest prime number. #### Proof > - Suppose $p$ were the largest prime number. > - Let $q$ be the product of the first $p$ numbers. > - Then $q+1$ is not divisible by any of them. > - But $q + 1$ is greater than $1$, thus divisible by some prime number not in the first $p$ numbers. \qedhere ### Blocks #### Normal block A \alert{set} consists of elements. #### \alert{Alert block} $2=2$. #### \alertc{Example block} The set $\{1,2,3,5\}$ has four elements. # Appendix --- Backup Slides --- Details --- Text omitted in main talk. --- More details --- Even more details